1 Wed Ingrid Jerusalem

I dreamt I was living in a house with many, many people. It was beautiful.

2 Thu Anonimus

Once I dreamt that I was in my yard and it was somehow divided. On one half you could experience summer and spring, it was sunny and cheerful. And on the other half it was fall and a bit of winter, with no snow but very cold and not pleasant at all. I remember I just stood at the crossline between those two and keep wondering what it was all about?

3 Fri Mehdi Saadeti

I dreamed I was a horse...trying to avoid falling into an abyss...

4 Sat Blaženko Karešin

In my highschool years, once I had a dream that I don't remember any more. I only know it was some kind of nightmare. Then I woke up. I was happy realizing the nightmare was just a dream. I got up from bed, had breakfast, and went to school. After a while, a fire started in school. It was growing, there was a huge panic, and soon enough the whole building was aflame. I remember how only black walls with empty holes for windows were visible in this incredibly huge fire. I was the only one still alive, and I too was going to die very soon. Then I woke up. Again. It turned out that this school fire was just another nightmare, and the first waking up was just a part of the dream. I got out of bed, and went towards the kitchen to tell mom what a weird dream I just had. As i was walking through our living room on my way to kitchen, as i passed by the mirror on the wall, i saw that in the mirror someone was strangling me. I was fine myself, but in the reflection in the mirror, there were hands grabbing my neck and strangling me, and my face in the mirror had a corresponding horrible grimace (of being strangled). I was flabbergasted, and ran to another mirror in the house, and the same thing was happening there. I was fine myself, but in every mirror there were hands strangling me by the neck. I was horrified. What does this mean? Then i woke up again, third time. This time for real.

5 Sun Olga

Śniło mi się, że wpadłam do Oceanu.Jego woda była krystalicznie czysta i spokojna. Wokół mnie znajdowały się statki. Ich olbrzymie, przeogromne brzuchy piętrzyły się nad moją głową na wiele,wiele pięter w górę. Gdy je ujrzałam, potężne, stalowe i nieruchomo zawieszone tuż nad złotym piaskiem poczułam strach, a po nim przerażenie tak wielkie,że wyszarpnęło ze mnie krzyk. Ocean zalał moje płuca, wdarł się do brzucha.Wtedy się obudziłam.

6 Mon Johannes de Dooper

I dream I am saying goodbye to someone. I am waving my hand. At this point I enter a state between sleeping and being awake, realising I am actually, really, waving my hand in my bed. And even though I know I am dreaming, and that I am actually in my bed, I can't stop waving my hand.

7 Tue Mislav

Afternoon nap. Very short dream. My mom packed me some cakes she made. She packed them in a plastic bowl. Suddenly I hear some noise, somebody is speaking something that I cannot understand. Next scene, I'm opening the bowl with cakes and there appears to be an ear inside of it. Ear looks artificial (no blood on it) and is mixed up with a cream from the cakes. It felt like the ear is speaking. Very disgusting scene almost made me throw up, I can feel some unknown people vomiting next to me. I woke up.

8 Wed Ghost

There are boundless vasts in front of me. I am standing on the edge but if I outstretch my hands, everything is in my reach. Expanse of space before me feels like a void that should be a nightmare to behold but it is strangely comforting.

9 Thu Renata Kaminska

Ich bestehe aus Feuer. Flammen bedecken mich vollständig. Ich beobachte das…. vielleicht in Spiegel. Dann, zeihe ich es aus.

10 Fri Eos

Ispod kože imam mrežu...neki glas kaže: to je mreža nježnosti., ide od ruku, nogu, cijelim tijelom..onda dođe jedan star i sijed čovjek i kaže, pustit ćemo frekvenciju ljubavi kroz tu mrežu, ona je googleplex number...probudim se s tijelom punim ljubavi

11 Sat Louise Guezennec

I dreamed this when I was in the hospital after my accident: I came to a place like an empty swimming pool, there was no water in it. Instead, there were some people, maybe five or six, standing in front of a socle, on each socle there was a clay bust or portrait every one was sculpting, and the sculpture was his or her own face and identity. People did not look very real. I do not remember if I felt good or bad or frightened. This reminded me of a picture I had seen in one of my children's books on Ancient Egyptian mythology: "Anubis forms a man and his Ka (kind of a soul) on a potter's wheel", but I do not remember this exactly. Some years later, I came to the Glyptozhek in Munich, a museum for classical sculpture, there was a hall with portrait busts which looked a little bit like that.

12 Sun Diana

Sogno spesso di stare su una spiaggia e ad un tratto arriva un'onda altissima molto lentamente. Io rimango ferma ad aspettare fino a quando arriva, mi travolge, ma quando e' finito tutto io sono ancora li ferma nello stesso punto.

13 Mon Ognjen R

I was swallowing a bunch of needles. I woke up before I chocked.

14 Tue George M.

I was walking through the wood. I got lost and it became dark. It took a long time. In the distance I saw a light. Before I could get there I had to pass a stream. The light came from a little house. I knocked on the door. Before the door opened I woke up.

15 Wed Jenny

I am not really sure where I am ... but then vividly comes that I am on the stage, in front of a full audience and I am introducing the next act at Bewdley Festival. Then nothing happens, no-one comes, I still stand there getting more and more frantic and then just before I hysterically scream, I wake ... and slowly realise that all is well ...

16 Thu Rade

Jedan od mojih skorašnjih snova: Mrak je, ulice su vlažne, izuzetno mračna neosvetljena ulica. Nalazim se u svojoj sobi u jednom stanu koji je arealan kao i moja soba. To je moja radna soba, gde stvaram. Jedan veliki drveni radni sto se nalazi u dnu sobe sa lampom na njemu. Osim stola mislim da ne postoji više ništa. Izlazim iz sobe, uputivši se po neko pismo, do sandučeta u istoj ulici. Osećaj je jeziv, strah me hvata i drhtavica. Odjednom prolaze misteriozna kola, koja izazivaju uznemirenost kod mene. Dolazim do sandučeta u kome nema ništa, nastavljam put i dolazim do jednog staklenog zida, na njemu su naslikane ikone. Taj zid pokušavam probiti jer se iza njega nalazi neki odgovor, strah me je, teško je probiti taj zid, pokušavam da ga razbijem nogom i budim se

17 Fri Cinzia

Quite often I dream of falling and falling and falling....

18 Sat Sylvia R

Hello I had a dream of being in the centre of a road, standing with my legs astride and glued to the road. A car was coming towards me with speed and I could not move to run out of the way. It drove through me as though I were a ghost.

19 Sun Jasenka Vukelić

..sanjala sam ovaj san davno, kad sam imala dvadesetak godina…hodala sam kroz neko grmlje, popiknula se i pala, a onda shvatila da sam pala u zmijsko gnijezdo. kad sam se digla, kosa mi je bila puna zmija, prava meduza. i umjesto da se bojim, uzela sam jednu u ruku, stisla je iza glave, prinijela do žila na ruci i rekla: ''na-grizi!'', i tad sam se probudila.

20 Mon Rias

I always find myself collecting coins hidden in the soil

21 Tue Maria

Estou numa biblioteca e os livros comecam a cair da estante...

22 Wed Susan FdLD

Me encuentro en una sala oscura y me encamino a buscar a Voldemort. Soy una aprendiz de maga, haciendo lumux. Pero de repente, sale a mi encuentro. Me asusto tanto que saco con mando a distancia y le doy al pause para poder pensar el hechizo. Una vez, me acorde, reanudo mi lucha y consigo vencerle.

23 Thu Ian Flatman

In one of my dreams there was a hand attatched to the end of my arm. It was the same size as my hand, but a little firmer, and a lot more inflamed, or bloated, I am not sure. I knew it wasnt my hand because it didnt feel like I had any control over it. When I moved my arm my hand stayed still on the table and my wrists stretched. I was scared that I would never had my hand back so I went for a walk. Along the way I met a small girl who wanted to skip rope. When I said that she wanted to skip over my wrist she laughed and said that she knew that.

24 Fri Lucette

I am walking through a forest. The branches of the trees are heavy with rain. I sense a feeling of sadness, a feeling of being haunted by someone, an person I do not know yet whom I don''t fear. I know for some reason that the path through the woods is the last thing I will experience while on earth. Suddenly I feel a sense of pain in my back, my stomach. The unknown person stands before me. I am breaking into a million and more silvery pieces of radiant light. I never sens such a complete and intense feeling of happiness again.

25 Sat Caroline

When I was a child, I had a dream which returned again and again I was sleeping in my bed, when suddenly a little golden ball appeared in one corner of my room (opposite of my bed) and started to roll towards me while getting bigger and bigger. Just before it seems to smash me, I woke up.

26 Sun Martina

I have to go to my house, I'm late, I have to move rapidly, but I can't. I move really slowly, too slowly. As I'm in a moon atmoshere. I can help myself thanks to the objects that I meet in my path. As I'm really light, I jump among an object to another. I try to run, but my movements are short and slow.

27 Mon Marion

J'avais Achille, le bebe de mes amis, sur les genoux, je sortais de sa bouche progressivement des objets. Une petite voiture, une figurine, un lange... Et je disais aux parents d'arreter de lui donner d'aussi petites choses car il n'avait de cesse de les stocker dans sa bouche...

28 Tue Kristen C

I have very strange dreams. Usually I dream about not being able to see through my eyes. I am always having to tilt my head. This occurs at least once a month, ever since I can remember. Last night I had a dream with the same problem. I was in Ireland, where I live and was trying to see who I was with. All these dreams have a sense of fear and then I usually wake up with my heart racing. Last night I woke up.

29 Wed MB

I dreamt I was opening a bright, shiny silver door and as I reached for the handle, a beautiful silver, shiny caterpillar appeared, almost completely camoflauged, but I quickly pulled away, startled by the unexpected.

30 Thu Joerg

Ich fahre auf einem Schiff, das in die Dunkelheit zurueckkehrt.

31 Fri Matthew W.Solomon

I dreamt that I was with my partner in an orphanage. There were children playing around, each full of vitality; it was necessary to choose which child to adopt, but it seemed impossible to choose. Later, one of the attendants showed us a different part of the orphanage where certain children with disability and illness were kept away from the other healthy ones. The attendants at the orphanage fell into a sense of despondency and melancholy. It reminded me of a book I had read by Kazuo Ishiguro which I recommended to the attendants, the title When We Were Orphans came to mind, although that was not the correct book, it was another, the title of which evades me.

1 Sat Otto

Frueher traeumte ich oft. Dass ich mich fliegend vom Boden erhebe, durch Raeume schwebe, Fluegelnd gleich schwingend und schwebend, mich erhebend, manchmal gleitend. Es war ein tolles Gefuehl, der Schwerkraft ein Schnippchen zu schlagen. Leider habe ich den Traum schon viele Jahre nicht mehr getraeumt.

2 Sun Antigoni

Last night I saw Danah having sex with Bassman and Bassman having sex with Maximos. I wanted to tell Danah that she got infected by Bassman cause he had sex with Maximos and Maximos had hpv for sure ! And then I was in the sea!

3 Mon Jorge

I was in the dark and did not find a way out, until I realized that I was deeply drowned under water.

4 Tue Simona

Ero in una caverna, tutta bianca, piena di grandi massi arrotondati. c'era una blanda luminescena e un silenzio profondissimo. Ad un certo punto cominciavo a percepire un brusio, senza capire da dove provenisse. Cercavo e cercavo... niente, anche perche la sala della caverna non era molto grande. Poi avevo una ispirazione e appoggiavo l'orecchio ad una delle grandi rocce rotonde e bianche: allora udivo delle parole, delle frasi. Erano i miei pensieri. e capivo di essere dentro la mia testa, dentro il mio stesso orecchio per la precisione e di poter udire i miei stessi pensieri.

5 Wed Mariano Orte

Noche intranquila. Me despierto cada media hora. Ha sido un dia duro fisicamente y no he bebido. La cama de muelles hace ruido cuando me giro. Mi memoria solo alcanza a recordar como un barco en movimiento, gente que entra y sale. Luces que pasan por la ventana. hoy he visto mucha agua y esto es Venecia.

6 Thu P.G.

I was staying on a hill with a lot of apple trees and suddenly all the apples fell down in the same moment and were rolling like an avalanche down the hill.

7 Fri Dan Oki

Sam sam u velikom putničkom zrakoplovu. Nalazim se u kokpitu i pokušavam upravljati avionom koji leti u nepoznatom pravcu. Znojim se jer sam u situaciji u kojoj nema izlaza. Letim kroz oblake i obrušavam se na zemlju. Zrakoplov udara u pustopoljinu. Lebdim iznad ogromne livade bez ijedne travke, oko mene je samo vlažna zemlja. Nastaje tišina i pojavljuje se jedan ekran. Na ekranu piše ''The End''. Smijem se u snu i budim se od vlastitog smijeha.

8 Sat Anne Delaplace

I dreamt I had no voice

9 Sun Nicholas

A reoccuring dream from childhood where my family and I are enjoying a picnic on next to a waterfall. It is very enjoyable until I lean on an exposed root, which breaks the cliff top sending my family and I down the waterfall to the valley below. As we are swept away, the feeling of terror is immense and the guilt is always enough to wake me... usually in tears.

10 Mon Roy Kohn

Last night I dreamed that I was driving an ultramarine blue sports car. When I stopped and got out my teeth fell out.

11 Tue Angele

Je suis dans une maison que je ne connais pas mais que je reconnais puisqu elle revient souvent dans mes reves, je suis chez moi. Je monte et descends d interminables escaliers, traverse des couloirs, je suis perdu dans ma propre maison

12 Wed Francesco Ronchi

Vidi un lungo film nel quale alcune persone dovevano attraversare una palude nebbiosa. Il mio punto di vista era molto alto e mi sentivo impaurito, non volevo vedere, ma ero costretto. Nel momento in cui i titoli di coda apparvero mi sentii al sicuro e dopo alcuni secondi un immagine mi spavento' moltissimo. Era un uomo con bianchi capelli e volto sfigurato.

13 Thu Matilda McNair

I dreamed that my greatest friend and I lived together in a playground of perilous obstacles and dangerous games, we invited friends to play, occasionally they would die - but in the nature of the dream it did not matter, it was just a part of life. We delved into whatever we wanted or desired. I knew everything about my best friend, her favourite coul, her memories, toys, thought, her habits and secrets. And when I awoke, she was not real. My dearest, my closest did not exist. I discovered this as I went to tel her about my dream, only to find she was not in my contacts. I had never seen her in reality and had no record of her. It was a wonderful dream.

14 Fri Matthew Foster

I dream that people tell me my hair looks great. It happens in real life too but it is better in my dreams

15 Sat Sandra

Last night I dreamt that I came inside the museum I work and saw a project I proposed set in motion. The idea behind the project was this: paintings would be hung high up on the wall and could only be reached with ladders: two for each painting, one for a curator and one for a visitr. You both have to climb the ladder in front of the work and once, on top of it, the curator will give you a private talk about the painting.

16 Sun Rebecca

I dreamed I was sitting with a man who had stopped speaking to me and he smiled at me and everything that had passed between us was healed, but not through words or speaking. As he smiled at me in the dream I smiled back and I was healed in that dream of the anger and the pain i experienced prior to this dream thinking about him. I did not know that a single smile could heal me. Prior to this dream I believed that man's words would have to be spoken between us to fix what had happened when our friendship was dissolved by his silence. I was wrong.

17 Mon Elza

I was looking in the mirror when suddenly I noticed something green in my eyes. I looked closer and realiyed it is some kind of an algae-type substance. A little panicky I tried to spread my eyes open to get the green stuff out. I pulled on my upper eyelids, and suddenly my whole skull came off and shrunk into a small condom-like formation, exposing my brain completely. It was white interlaced with thin red and blue strings. I tried desperately to pull the skin of my skull back on, cut it with scissors into strips to somehow paste it back on my brain, but it didnt work.

18 Tue Henning Marmulla

My heart stops beating, but I keep on living.

19 Wed Lakrizia Baerendreck

I suddenly find myself sitting on a cloud. A small cloud in the middle of a very dark universere. I can look around me - floating on my tiny, wobbly cloud - and see lots and lots of stars around me. I feel uncomfortobale, as the cloud is not stable. Then I realise that one of my best friends is actually sitting right next to me and thus I know that I have just taken magic mushrooms, and that all I am seeing right now does not have to be scary at all, but, instead, simply: AMAZING. I dig into the complete thrill of the darkness filled with twinkling stars. I can glance into unimaginable distances. It is a sublime feeling. Then the moon happens to pass right next to our little cloud. I give it a squeeze. It feels just like a soft ball. The moon passes on. And I wake up, knowing that I have been blessed to go on that trip.

20 Thu Nina Sanctuary

I dreamt I was walking down back streets of a strange town. There was a shed and the door was open a little bit so I walk in. There are horses, pink because they have been skinned, skinned alive. They look at me, their eyes full of suffering and they implore me to do something. What can I do? How can I make their plight less terrible? How can I relieve their suffering? My powerless wakes me. I live with this terrible knowledge that I cannot undo the suffering, I can only try to avoid making more suffering.

21 Fri Marije

Before the birth of my youngest daughter I was walking and dancing in a big tropical wood with colourful snakes and birds . The sun was shinig so it was not dark but very light and humouros. It looked like a dress my mothe in law made for me when i was pregnant. When I awke a little bit I started to sleepwalk and was telling my husband all I saw at the moment. After one hour the baby was born like a coming out river

22 Sat Jan Master

Last night I dreamt of storm clouds that dropped huge pieces of earth, complete with grass (ground cover) back to the ground, pulling it up from the ground and raining it back to the ground.

23 Sun Claude Robert

I often have a dream where I am alone, lost, searching my way to go where I want to go. It is hard, and I never succeed before I awake. I am sad, angry, I deeply want to succeed. It is awful.

24 Mon Renate Rubin

I dreamed of a house. White walls on every side. The doors are wholes, without glasses. There is no furniture at all. The wind is going through the house. The house is standing in a landscape of nothing.

25 Tue Theresa

I'm running really fast, at the fastest speed I can, towards nowhere

26 Wed Nico

In my dream I fight. While fighting I switch roles - First I am me, then my older brother, whom I do not have, then I am his daughter who does not exist. I fight against injustice, against people, against social inequality. I feel uncomfortable and restless. We are in a shop. In the end I am powerless...

27 Thu Alyssa

The only reoccurring dream i have is about the end of the world. Usually there is just a landscape and silence and my ownself filled with turmoil. There are often firework type explosions.

28 Fri Alex Housen

I find myself in an unknown city, always in company (sometimes in the company of people I know, sometimes unknown people). We know that some enormous, threathening beast is coming and that we have to run from it. We start running though we also know that it is futile, that the beast will come nearer and that it will catch (up with) us. Although I run and feel increasingly anxious or excited as we run, I somehow also feel calm and unafraid, as if I have accepted the inevitability of the beast catching (up with) us (and probably that the outcome will not be as horrific as we dread. "Probably", because I always wake up (just) before "it" catches up with us...

29 Sat Margot

Ce sont souvent des trains rates, des destinations avortees, des vols annules, des pannes d`essence ou des trajectoires modifiees; des accidents, souvent, seule en voiture dans des espaces inconnus, desertes; rien de tres rassurant, en somme.

1 Sun Mia

In my dream I am in a bus. Suddenly a fried of mine, one I care deeply about, appears in the bus too. The bus takes a stop. After continuing the journey my friend comes to sit next to me. He puts himself sleeping on the seat, his head in my lap. He sleeps silently with a smile, then all of a sudden he is gone, but I continue my journey. I wake up feeling very happy, for I know he will be happy, even thought we parted ways.

2 Mon Ana

Često sanjam da trčim i da mi ponestaje vremena. Ne bježim od ničega. Čini mi se da prije žurim da nešto dostignem.

3 Tue Caitlin Webb-Ellis

I dream that I have taken a small amount of a drug, perhaps ecstacy. My sister also takes a small amount. We wade into the north sea. As we swim out of our depth a huge wave comes. We dive deep into the wall of white water. I hear my sister moving beside me. It becomes very difficult to swim and I realise that the drugs are stopping me. My sister calls to me from the surface and starts to swim down to get me. I worry that she will also drown. She pulls me to the surface- I wake up.

4 Wed Tatjana Bergius

Every night i dream of the same city. In real life i have never been there. I could draw you a map, so good i know places and my way around. When i was about 18 years old, I became aware that my dreams come in repeat, people, streets and even shops and bars. The weather is always sunny and warm. The adventures are different. Sometimes i meet people from my "real" life, but the others are strangers. I seem to know them also. I live in two different appartments in different buildings. Both of them are like squats. I am always around the age of may be 24. even i am 44 in "real life".

5 Thu Johannes de Dooper

I dream I am saying goodbye to someone. I am waving my hand. At this point I enter a state between sleeping and being awake, realising I am actually, really, waving my hand in my bed. And even though I know I am dreaming, and that I am actually in my bed, I can't stop waving my hand.

6 Fri Laurie Anderson

It was a large room. Full of people. All kinds. And they had all arrived at the same buidling at more or less the same time. And they were all free. And they were all asking themselves the same question: What is behind that curtain?

7 Sat Leo de Hoog

I dream that I have a goal to go to. An appointment, a duty. In the beginning I am travelling by bicycle easy and calm. No problem at all. I take anather direction for no reason, thinking that I have all te time in the world. But after some time I get lost. Than I am hurriing untill panic. But I come near my appointment. Than again I take another way, I don't know why... This pattern repeats itsself again and again untill I awake.

8 Sun Chloe Marie

Last night I dreamt of Isaac again. In my dream we were on a grand tour, with dozens of attendants, politicians shaking hands, photographers with bulbs flashing, women in sharp suits with clip boards and microphones. We were obviously not the cause of the tumult, and yet the throng of activity turned to our every whim."I want to see the desert," I told him, and the whole circus moved towards Joshua Tree where we were unable to escape the ambient buzz of the crowd and yet his hand found mine easily and I was not afraid. I felt the stars through the burning sun. "I want to see the mountains," I told him, and he nodded. There they were, in front of us, reaching, reaching, reaching, chasing the sky away with their prideful uprightness, a never ending game of tag in which the clouds are always only just winning. A cameraman led me to an enormous old-fashioned camera and we ducked under the hood, the view crystalizing and becoming intimate in the square window of our view. I wept, crying "Oregon, oh Oregon" though this was surely no landscape I had even really encountered. It was not home, nor any adventure that constructed a part of my true narrative. Shadows raced across the brazen planes of the mountains sides, like dancing tattoos across some bold, wide hip. "Home?" he asked, and I nodded with resignation, fatigue and gratefulness. My hand was empty but haunted by the shape of his palm, his fingers. I awoke.

9 Mon Brenda

I had this dream when I was in year 5. I was locked outside an mansion. Standing outside the gate, I realized I was on top of a cliff. I remembered the only way to wake up from a dream is to kill youself. So I jumped off the cliff. It was a loop, I just keep jumping and jumping...

10 Tue Abby S.

I am looking down on a world but I am also on it. It is all black rock and other materials scorched to a crisp except for orange flames. I move farther up away from the scene and I hear a voice it sounds like a news announcer :"the only business there still is is the funeral business." My dream cuts away to big black tombstones, people are waiting to go into them in big long sad lines. The people drink poison and the people who work in the funeral business look on like they are longing to be in line with everyone else. Then I go farther away. I will be safe but there is nothing I can do for the others.

11 Wed Lucio Sciarretta

Mapas se diluyen sobre la mesa de algarrobo oscuro. Pies tiemblan en Delfos, piedras quietas viajan en las pupilas de ave. Las nubes se vuelcan sobre el ritmo diurno de la jornada, los diarios son leidos por el viento, las paginas pasan entre noticias repetidas. El humo de un havano trae recuerdos del destierro, y esa nostalgia no es un tango, es un camino paralelo entre suenos concientes. Son visiones sin deseo que se realizan en los pies, pero deben haber durezas, asperas, sino, no sirve la experiencia. Ahora la quietud de un sillon sera el servicio para observar la multitud, asi las alas podran crecer y hasta se limpiaran. Hay violencia en cada sueno, se siente la violencia de un deseo reprimido.

12 Thu Fiorenza

Sono al timone della mia piccola barca a vela e navigo su un mare limpidissimo e azzurro. Si vede ogni sasso sul fondo e l'ombra della stessa barca. La barca avanza tra scogli e rocce su un fondale sempre più basso e pericoloso. Riesco a destreggiarmi ed infine esco dalla zona pericolosa...Ma avevo dimenticato di aggiungere che la barca si solleva leggermente e, quasi volando a pelo d'acqua, mi porta fuori dal guado.

13 Fri Greg

Je suis dans une grande maison avec de nombeuses pieces. Je monte sur le toit et je sais que je peux voler ; plein de confiance je me lance dans le vide. Arrive en bas... je ne vole pas. Sans gravite je remonte et recommence ; juste avant de toucher le sol, cette fois ci, je parviens a voler et pars me promener dans le ciel Tout est normal

14 Sat Antonella Anselmo

I am in a very big house. Many rooms, some rooms are behind the walls and I have to move the forniture to introduce myself in those hidden rooms. I find a hidden room under the roof. This room is full of old tables and chairs, the room is dark. Then I see a closed window on the left side, I open the window and suddenly the sun come in, now ist the room full of light. I think that in the future this will be my private room.

15 Sun Ivana Taglioni

I was on my home and I saw my father through the window (he died 2 years ago) he came inside the house, we were one in front of the other, he put his hand upon my head and I felt something like "vapore bianco" going inside myself from head through my body It was very pleasant

16 Mon Lotte Van Eyck

I keep on playing with my little wooden blocks. I put them on each other. Some fall. Some become high towers. The silent peaceful setting is disturbed by a low sound, far far away. I focus on my blocks. All of a sudden the sound becomes louder and louder. I see something from the endless greyness, high above me. It seems to be a plane.. but everything goes fast and becomes chaotic and unclear and scary! The plane is coming right at me. I see the little wheels going out. I cant hear anything but loudness. Everything is black. After that I find myself to be in the top of the hallway of my familyhouse. I fall very deep. In the beginning I am so scared.. I feel it in my belly. Then I keep on falling until I become light as a feather.

17 Tue Susi Kaproska

In my dream tonight I was giving birth to a lot of tongues. First I needed to pee, but then it did't stop and the whole toilet was flooded already. After a while watching myself peeing and being quite impressed of it, actually not disgusted, there was a lot of foam coming out and then, all the tongues jumped out of my vagina.

18 Wed Trent

I dreamt I was in a large cloakroom with a close friend. She recently got a two-year post doc at a good American university. It was January. I knew it was January in my dream, in the way in which you often know the details of time and place within your dream even if these are illogical, improbable, or sometime in the past or future. I was wondering why I myself had no job interviews lined up. I attended the same school and consider myself to have a comparable c.v. I am about to go on the academic job market. I rarely have dreams that so closely reflect my daily activities or anxieties; in other words, there was little condensation or substitution. The banality of the legibility of this anxiety struck me.

19 Thu Cana

Ik val in een gat. Het gat waarin ik ben gevallen had een diameter van 5 diameter. Binnen in het gat is het heet. Zo heet dat ik tijdens de val maar alvast mijn jas uit trek. Dat helpt. Ik kijk voor me en ik zie een eend mij recht aan kijken. Hij fluistert naar me. Hij fluistert: "geef me"

20 Fri Marcin Kaminski

I was an alien agent on the earth torn by the war between humans and creatures of a kind. The war was ongoing in the central part of Warsaw. I have checked the events with some soldiers and felt that I should help them but the obligation waas to kill every human being. So I did, after their help, which made me feel really guilty. Then the voyage through apocalyptic Warsaw drove me to the end of my dream.

21 Sat Trampoline Sim

In this dream everything looks like reality: only a few elements reveal I'm dreaming. When i want to fly, I just do so, every ingredient tastes amazing, I' m never tired. Money doesn't limit my actions, everything seem possible

22 Sun jpgodu

A really big building over 1000 sq m, and many possible levels, but completely in ruins. I must restore the building, and don't know how to start. I will start with the cellars and a huge parking. ...................... Just to start

23 Mon Fabiana

I got a phone call from my ex boyfriend's brother saying that my ex boyfriend had died in a car accident. He said there was nothing I could do neither it was necessary for me to go back to London to the hospital where he had been brought to. He was dead and there was nothing I could do. They were bringing him back to Italy and all I was left with, were regrets of not having built a life with him.

24 Tue Ron Adams

I am in a very dark nightclub. An act is introduced as 'Floppy Larry'. I'm surprised to see it is my nephew. He has no bones. He seems to be made of jelly and waves his limbs and body in a strange and disturbing way. The room is smoke filled.

25 Wed Denis Licul

I had a dream that I am visiting a contemporary art exhibition in my homeland. It seems that I know a curator and some artists. I am very curious to see the show. Gallery is nice and spacious, stretching throughout few floors. I am walking around and seeing amazing artwork. I immerse myself in beautiful paintings, lucid conceptual work and installations. I am inspired an uplifted with what I see and what I perceive. A question appears in my dream: How come that I am not participating in this exhibition? and how come that some of those brilliant ideas didn’t occur to me!? I walk up, still amazed with all I’ve seen and...Waw, I realize that all of this was created by me! All of this is created in my mind!!!And another realization emerged: The same occurs in this life within this manifestation! All is created by One and I am that One!...I really wish to fully awake in this realization

26 Thu Carl Gent

It is my childhood back garden. A concreted square in an English coastal town, not too large. It is night, or we are underground. The grey concrete has reddened like terracotta, but it is not terracotta. There is a crisis, unnamed but known. We are too lazy or stupid or defeated to do anything about it. Hard to remember much else. It is where deep peril exists.

27 Fri Wally Del Medico

I dreamt that I met a friend who had died recently and when I asked him what was on the other side he said that he did see a light, initially, but when he went towards it and finally passed it he said, to my surprise, "FUCKING NOTHING THERE!"

28 Sat Macarena

Entraba en un cono con las paredes cubiertas de fresas. Otra vez sone que estaba debajo de una manzana gigante, atardecia y el campo estaba lleno de esas manzanas que parecian arboles.

29 Sun Ruben Barbado

We are all going up. Suddenly Patricia looks back to me and I realize that we are about to fall down as the stairs are hanging from a clift. I just can see the sea approaching, closer and closer, but I am not scared, just surprised. Then I wake up

30 Mon Cincia

Quite often I dream of falling and falling and falling ...

31 Tue Linne

Green cameleons growing out of a brown sofa

1 Wed Marko

Šetam uz obalu prema gradu putem kojim hodam svaki dan. Nema puno prolaznika iako je kasno jutro, blizu podneva. Primjećujem kako je to pomalo čudno, ali tome ne pridajem preveliku važnost, uživam u suncu i laganom Maestralu. Muzika, zapravo fraza na nekom egzotičnom duhačkom instrumentu pojavljuje se niotkuda i vijuga zrakom. Postupno me obuzima i počinje upravljati mojim pokretima. Koraci mi postaju sve duži, prelaze u skokove sve dok se jedan ne pretvori u let. Krecem se lako plivajuci kroz zrak, čudeći se kako sam tek sad otkrio taj ugodan način kretanja bez napora. Počinjem se okretati oponašajući vijuganje zvuka u sve raskošnijim figurama, premetima, petljama. Budim se ushićen.

2 Thu Marco Agostinelli

il mio sogno... c'è un sole leggero, e mia madre entriamo per mano in un boschetto, io sono un poco dopo sono già adulto. Mia madre è seduta in una sedia, il boschetto è rimasto dietro di noi. Guardiamo le rondini disporsi sui cavi delle antenne elettriche. Arrivano piano piano, una per volta. Il filo ora è pieno di rondini. Mia madre non c'è più, neanche la sedia. Io la cerco intorno, sono ancora bambino, e mentre sto correndo alzo la testa...una prima rondine parte e poi tutte le altre dietro.

3 Fri Leila

Jedan stari... Sanjala sam stari poštanski ured u svojoj zgradi. U kadru su bile dvije zaposlenice na svojim radnim pozicijama. Naizmjence su ritmički lupale štambilje i preslagivale pošiljke. Kako bi koja bila na redu, tako bi lupajući žig rekla neku poslovicu. Tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi BUM Tko pod drugim jamu kopa, sam u nju upadne BUM Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse BUM

4 Sat Wobbach

Između tipki računala izvire gusta prozirna tekućina. Pokušavam ugasiti računalo, bez uspjeha. Gubim dah.

5 Sun L.K.

Više ni ne sanjam, barem ne kao nekad. Sad se pripremim za san i odradim. Podgrijana atmosfera, auto-r-sugestija, zamka za san, izaugaoni san, priprema-pozor-sad-san!

6 Mon Irfan

Pošto taj dan nisam ispunio važne i neodgodive obaveze, tu noć sanjao sam kako mi prilazi pas i kako podiže jednu nogu i urinira po meni.

7 Tue Ivan Kožarić

Letim iznad bistrih voda i uživam.

8 Wed Aze Mak

Vozim se vlakom. Tračnice su postavljene na usku prugu zemlje s lijeve i desne strane omeđene vodom. Vozim se i razmišljam kako bi se vlak mogao svaki čas prevrnuti. Vrlo lako bi ga vjetar mogao otpuhnuti, razmišljam gledajući nebo kako mijenja boje iz svijetlih u tamne i natrag. Vjetar nosi gomilu jesenskog lišća, diže ga i stvara fantastične izmaglice tik iznad površine vode i visoko u zraku. Ne mogu odvratiti pogled, gledam kroz prozor kupea i kažem nekome tko se vozi sa mnom, gledaj ovo.

9 Thu Iva Rada Janković

To je davni san. Pred kraj studija živjela sam s cimericom koja je bila veliki poklonik Sai Babe. Kroz kuću su u to doba prolazili nadahnuti ljudi kojima su se događala raznorazna čuda. Sve me to pomalo plašilo i nerviralo, jer sam spremala završni ispit i trebala sam mirniju situaciju. Kada je Marija nakon dugih priprema konačno otputovala u Indiju k njemu, najednom je sve utihnulo. Sai Baba, poznat po sposobnostima materijalizacije raznoraznih predmeta, stajao je predamnom i dugo vrtio rukama. Onda se nasmijao i pružio mi Kinder-surprise. Nisam sto posto sigurna što sam našla unutra kada sam pojela čokoladu, pa je bolje da ne izmišljam

10 Fri Marijana Rimanić

Sanjala sam da me uhitila policija i odvela na ispitivanje. U prvi čas mi nije bilo jasno zašto sam uhićena, ali kad sam shvatila da me ispituju o nekoj sitnice koju ionako nisam počinila, samopouzdano sam se zavalila u stolicu nasuprot tog jednog policajca i bahato odgovarala na njegova pitanja. Vrlo kratko nakon početka ispitivanja sjetila sam se da sam ubila čovjeka. U tom su trenu moji odgovori postali drastično tiši, pretvorila sam se u neku pognutu, prestrašenu figuru. U potpunoj nevjerici vrtila sam u glavi misli: "Ali ja nisam netko tko bi ubio čovjeka! Kako mi se to onda moglo dogoditi? Kako sam to mogla zaboraviti?" Tad sam se probudila.

11 Sat Ksenija Turčić

…odjednom on mi dolazi u susret i prođe pokraj mene, a da me ne vidi. Ja viknem šokirana i zaustavim ga. On stane i pokaže mi kako preko ruke nosi vrlo elegantan sako, okrenut na unutrašnju stranu. 'Ovo moram popraviti!' kaže, tu vidim da je na unutrašnjem džepu poderan dio podstave. 'Pa to se ne da popraviti!' kažem ja. On produži, a ja pomislim: 'Ma zapravo…može se popraviti. Ima pravo. Podlijepi se 'flizelinom' i sašije'.

12 Sun Branko Franceschi

I find myself at a symphony orchestra concert that I follow hovering somewhere over the centre of auditorium. My vision shifts freely, spontaneously changing points of view: close-ups, long shots, details. I wake up abruptly in the moment when music reaches the final crescendo.

13 Mon Daniela Ratkajec

Penjem se stepeništem, dolazim u zamračenu dvoranu gdje netko svira klavir, čitavo stepenište se odvaja od gornje etaže, ne uspijevam preći u dvoranu, sve se pomiče, napokon…ubrzo sjedim u jednoj bečkoj kavani, nervozna, preplavljuje me osjećaj da sam nešto zaboravila….žamor postaje sve glasniji, nelagoda raste. Ubrzano se krećem ulicama, pada noć, tamno plavo osvjetljenje, Napokon se sjetim da moram izvaditi dijete iz džepa. Dijete je poput figurice iz Kinder jaja, pomislim kako je to baš praktično; stane i na dlan.

14 Tue Boris Greiner

Križanje Zvonimirove i Šubićeve. Na uglu je dućan s odjevnim predmetima. Ulazim unutra jer mi treba pidžama. Prodavačica, mlada žena, dodaje mi jednu pidžamu da je probam. Donji dio mi je malo velik. Ona odlazi po manji broj. Odjednom sam vani, prelazim cestu. Crveno me uhvati nasred ceste. Dolaze automobili, ja sam u prevelikoj pidžami. Stojim ukopan, zaobilaze me automobili i trube. Ja se okrećem, kao da bi rekao, nestalo je butika, u pidžami sam. Ali šta ću govoriti, tko bi mi vjerovao. No ipak, prestaju trubiti, samo zaobilaze...

15 Wed Vlasta Žanić

I dreamt of meeting a friend of mine, a painter who had died not long before that. I met him on the beach from the Fellini’s film “La Dolce Vita”. Surprised to see him, I greeted him cordially and asked him how it was over there. He said it was good. Somewhat unsatisfied with his answer I continued asking: “But what do you do? Do you paint”? He said that he was painting and that everything was much like „over here“. The only difference was lack of any value system. I was explaining this to myself, then and many times later: hence, there is no good and bad, up and down, beautiful and ugly, black and white, no blue, red...

16 Thu Dina Rončević

Stajala sam u stanu vrlo dragog prijatelja, kod prozora. Gledala sam u pločnik po kojem je padala kiša. Samo, kiša je padala u prvom planu, pa polako odmicala prema iza. Kako je odmicala, tako se i ono mokro u prvom planu sušilo. Pa sam ustvari gledala izmjene nijansi sive. Bilo je jako ugodno i zanimljivo.

17 Fri Dijana Devčić

In the middle of night I wandered aimlessly through a desert with a person from my past. On our way we found big iron gates that I was supposed to open and then enter a dark room, leaving my companion to keep wandering alone through the desert. After I closed the gates behind me, there appeared a corridor with iron panelling, with iron rails and an iron wagon. I got into the wagon which suddenly started to move towards the other end of this corridor and I turned into a wooden spoon that kept trying to prevent some cream falling off it.

18 Sat Ljiljana Mihaljević

I dream that I'm walking down the path through his garden, carrying two pots with big shrubs full of small, very bright red tomatoes (in this dream I somehow know that I'd grown them in my greenhouse and that I have to go back to fetch another two shrubs). This garden is full of some tall, white flowers, unkempt and half dead and amidst this neglected flower garden gone wild, I replant these lush shrubs of glossy tomatoes. And I don't find it inadequate - to plant vegetables in flower garden. I'm mad at him in the dream: „Get this, he hasn't even prepared the soil...“ Even in the dream I realise that my efforts are futile, but – dear God – what am I to do with all those tomatoes? I raised them for him and to him they belong... And he doesn't care.

19 Sun Zlatko Križan

They gave us a boat that was too small; it held only eight people and we were twelve. It wouldn't have been that bad if we didn't have to use a dead door as raft to load food and other stuff. And sea spring cold at that. Just like when you fall asleep without a blanket while watching some stupid film in middle of night and you dream how they gave you a boat that was too small, that holds only eight people and you're with twelve... I've opened my eyes. TV screen, as orange as a carrot, stared back at me.

20 Mon Darko Miloščić

It's night. I look at the sky and I spot a big snowflake slowly falling down. I stretch my hand out and catch it. It melts between my fingers.

21 Tue Liberta Mišan

Jednom sam sanjala da se nalazim u gotičkoj katedrali. Miriše na tamjan i alkohol. Stropovi su viši nego što mogu biti, zidovi sivi i pretrpani ukrasima, a svjetlo koje ulazi kroz vitraje žuto i narančasto. Kraj mene u crkvenoj klupi sjede žene odjevene u crno. Umjesto da gledaju prema oltaru, okrenute su prema ulazu, zapravo izlazu. Njihove haljine su barokno raskošne, pretjerane, ogromne. Crnina na najvećoj ženi (mnogo je viša od ostalih) sjajnija je i intenzivnija od one njenih prijateljica. Kreću se neobično, kao da su spojene, zajedno i simultano: korak u lijevo, dva koraka u desno, tri koraka u lijevo. Kretanje im izgleda nevjerojatno – dok to čine usta su im svima otvorena, a oči zatvorene. Samo najviša žena ima otvorene oči, ona gleda ravno u mene, kao da me optužuje. A ja sam još uvijek dijete

22 Wed Hrvoje Mitrov

Sanjao sam da sam član puhačkog orekstra, godina je 1944. Europa gori. Naučnici su izmislili modulator zvuka koji je u stanju izmjeniti zvuk u onaj ubojite frekvencije. Tajna služba me vrbuje i ugrađuje tu spravu u moj puhački rog. Slijedećeg dana me obavještavaju da imamo privatni koncert za fuhrera, i ja ga moram ubiti .

23 Thu Tajči Čekada

I dream that I’m lying in bed stroking an outrageously big, soft, fat, clean and to me very dear rat. I feel that we are very close to each other and that he is enjoying my caresses, cuddling against me in return. But, although I'm very fond of him, I find a bit repulsive his ratty tail, hairless and warm, and he keeps wiggling it, touching my thighs and knees. I wake up and realise that my dear cat Pepa is sleeping in my lap, at the very spot where the rat has in my dream

24 Fri Ksenija Kordić

I dream of a featureless man who in an enclosed little garden plants grass that terribly resembles horns. I walk away a little and I come across a white deer that has grass like that on his head.

25 Sat Frane Rogić

I found myself on a green meadow in the best possible company. We were celebrating something. Suddenly I heard somebody calling from somewhere. The merry company suddenly went silent. Everybody looked up at the same time. From a distance, standing on some sort of plateau, an apparition was inviting us up there... I sensed that there is an unknown meadow up there

26 Sun Marko Marković

Sibila i ja bili smo prijatelji, u školi smo sjedili zajedno u klupi i bili smo u istoj ekipi. Nakon završetka srednje škole rjeđe smo se viđali. Jednom sam bio došao u Zagreb i prespavao kod prijateljice iz istog društva. Sanjao sam Sibilu kako leti u visine i pri tome kao da prolazi svjetove. Pokušavao sam je uhvatiti za gležnjeve leteći iza nje, no Sibila je bila prebrza. Odletjela je. Ujutro nas je probudila zvonjava telefona. Dobili smo poruku da Sibila više nije među nama: skočila je s prozora i ubila se. Volim je još i danas.

27 Mon Sanja B. Krištofić

I dream a simple dream: it's lunch time, I'm eating spaghetti. After some time I realise that they have this magic effect – they become fuel for flight. I get out into the yard or street, I climb any raised place and I fly. The flight is as long as the spaghetti last. When their effect weakens, motors slow down: puff, pant, screech – I land and search for any restaurant with pasta on their menu. As soon as I'm full again, I fly like crazy!

28 Tue Marijan Crtalić

Sanjao sam da ševim zombie ženu u cyber punk atmosferi i okolišu. Bila je u poluraspadnutom stanju, (ne)živa i totalno pasivna i odsutna, blijedoružičasto mrtvačko tijelo, izrazito dlakava (crne dlake i kosa) s kosom zavezanom u rep, lijepo lice s crno našminkanim očima, čini mi se da je bila mješavina stvarnosti i animacije. Tijelo joj je imalo gomilu otvora i vidjela se unutrašnjost kao i koitalni "proces". Koma! Inače rijetko pamtim snove i uglavnom su nebitne slike, ali ovo je bilo drastično.

29 Wed Sabina Mikelić

This is a dream from when I was sixteen. I dream of a room in the flat where I used to live at the time: I dream of myself lying in bed, full awake. A blue creature is sitting next to me. And it’s telling me about the meaning of life and the whole existence. I'm incredibly calm and happy. Everything is clear to me and I know that something very important for me is going on and I want to share it with everybody as soon as I wake up. In the morning I wake up and can't remember what exactly the creature has told me.

30 Thu Bojana Švertasek

Kada u snovima trčim radim to tako da se prvo oslonim na ruke pa ispred njih zabacim noge. Na taj se način mogu strašno brzo kretati. S užitkom jurim kroz neka prostranstva, stepe ..

1 Fri Sonja Briski Uzelac

San je bio kratak poput bljeska munje. Usnula sam kako ležim na velikom bjelom krevetu. Dobro se osjećam. Tek sam se probudila i ugodno se protežem. Gledam kroz kristalno čiste, ogromne prozore plavetnilo neba i zelene grane. Vani je vedro i prozračno jutro, sunce se diže; a ja čekam u krevetu da umrem za tri dana. Baš tri dana!

2 Sat Nika Radić

I'm standing in a white space. It seems to be a dome, but I can’t see its borders. It looks like its surface is near, but if I stick my hand out I can’t touch it. However, it looks solid. Seemingly it’s made of some white, semitransparent material. I can’t see through it and it’s by itself a source of diffused white light. I don’t quite realise where I am until it slowly becomes clear to me that I’m dead. I’m a bit puzzled, because it doesn’t feel bad at all.

3 Sun Božena K. Badurina

I’m carrying a little black bird on my left shoe. It is motionless. At first I think it may be dead, but then I see clearly that it still breaths and moves almost imperceptibly. I want to nurse it until it gets better; I think about what I should give it to regain its health. The bird is a little black raven. In the other part of this dream the bird is healthy, but it turns into a quite big black bug that awkwardly flies around.

4 Mon Duje Jurić

An accidental dream I had marked me deeply. I dreamt that brushes were growing all over my body, as if I was a tree from which branches stuck out in all directions. Thus overgrown I ventured to conquer the world, spinning around like a shaman in some initiation ritual. Here the dream was cut off in a blur. Its sequel was realised with the project “Anything at All” when I attached brushes on various garments. I tried to get focused and repeat the rotation from my dream. I didn’t succeed. The dream was stronger. I’d be happy if I at least managed to remain on its track.

5 Tue Marko Golub

Ulica u mom djetinjstvu poznata po imenu Mirka Kovačevića u Splitu 3, stepenasto se proteže od robne kuće Prima 3 odakle se uspinje u smjeru Mertojaka, iz čega su proizašle i podjele naših malih bandi iz tog vremena. Postojala je "gornja ulica" i "donja ulica" i mi u sredini, dakle Gornjaši, Donjaši i mi."Gore" i „dolje“ uvijek su bili poznati, ali neistraženi tuđi teritoriji. U snu se igram s ostalom djecom u "gornjoj ulici" kojom dominira veliko parkiralište, a usred njega je stara kuća s trijemom koja u stvarnosti ne postoji. Primiče se noć i svi polako odlaze kući, no nailazimo na prepreku: visoki zid s vrlo uskim prolazom uza samo tlo. Ne mogu odlučiti kuda da krenem, bojim se da ću u prolazu zaglaviti, a sa zida pasti i gledam kako me svi pomalo napuštaju.

6 Wed Sasha Vagner

Kažu da sanjaš svaki dan pa zaboraviš. Prije nekog vremena sanjala sam san koji do danas nisam zaboravila, više neka vrsta noćne more, mislim da je tome kriv Tarantino i pizza za večeru. pa ako vas stvarno zanima, evo... Inače pričati nekom svoj san klasična je davionica, zadnjeg je to Freuda zanimalo, valjda. Sanjala sam da sam se udala (opet). Bio je to dogovoreni brak, o tipu nisam znala ništa nego da se zove Danijel Jovanović i da mu je 47 godina. Ajde, dob bi mi pasala. Lik neodređen, onako kao u snu, a ja mu kažem: Ali kako ćemo, ja o tebi ništa ne znam. A on meni: Ništa se ne brini, ja znam sve o tebi. I to je to, tu sam se probudila

7 Thu Markita Franulić

Ovaj san sam sanjala negdje 1978. ili 1979. kada još nije bilo MTV-a i prilike za gledanje spotova. Imala sam visoku temperaturu. Stage za koncert gledam odozdo iz partera, odmah ispod stagea. Na njemu je nešto kao zid od velikih kocaka leda. Zaista velikih, recimo 2x2 m ili više. Na njima fluorescentno zelenim slovima piše ili Rolling Stones ili Satisfaction, raspoznajem sam nekoliko slova S. Počinje glazba, Mick dotrčava na stage, skoči i polukružno zamahne postoljem za mikrofon po ledu koji se rasprsne i bijelo-zeleni komadići se razlete uz I can't get no

8 Fri Irena Borić

Sanjala sam da živim u zadnjem neboderu u Gajnicama. Te sam se noći vraćala kući, hodala sam po uskoj stazi koja je vodila do nebodera, a sa strane mrak, nejasno prostranstvo travnate površine. Kad sam stigla do nebodera srela sam stanare i preplavio me bespovratan osjećaj beznađa. Kad sam se probudila to jutro, zaključila sam da moram naći cimericu

9 Sat Marija Borovičkić

Slučajno ulazim u zapušteno dvorište s drvenom raspadnutom barakom. Na podu kavez s malim sivim mišem koji me tužno gleda neuobičajeno velikim i lijepim očima. Grozničavo i panično se sjetim da je to moj najdraži miš i da sam ga zaboravila. Grižnja savjesti me izjeda. Nakon nekog vremena ista sekvenca: slučajno ulazim u dvorište, ponovno ga vidim i ponovno plačem od muke što sam ga zaboravila. On me svaki put čeka… (Imam svoju mačku. Zove se Miškica. Ima prekrasne velike oči i ne živi samnom.)

10 Sun Sanja Baković

Sanjala sam bliskog prijatelja kako ga juri njegova lažna kopija, čovjek sličan njemu, al lažnjak, na kojem je sve pomalo redikulski, namještena poza, nakaradno i iskarikirano. lažnjak ga želi dohvatiti, želi se obračunati, ali ne može nikako jer među njima, kao među dva magneta, uvijek ostaje prostor koji se ne može prevaliti, jaz. prazan prostor u koji ne mogu ući obojica, ne mogu se dotaknuti. njihova je borba uzaludna jer ne postoji niti mogućnost susreta. sve što se može je da svaki odu na svoju stranu i zaborave. ..

11 Mon Daria Torre

I wake up because I can feel my blanket is slipping away. At the same time I realise that I am actually lying on a rather slanted top of a very high cliff. The day is glaringly sunny, the sky is blue. However, I still feel sleepy and cold without my blanket which is very heavy and persistently slipping towards the edge of the cliff. I turn on my side and pull the blanket over. Underneath the cliff I glimpse slightly choppy, intensely blue sea. I cover myself with the blanket and fall asleep again, absolutely serene.

12 Tue Snježana Laktić

Crno bijeli san Plivam u bazenu, sve izgleda kao u crno bijeloj tehnici. Bazen je dosta mali, plivam do kraja i znam da tu negdje vrlo blizu ima još jedan bazen, veći. Želim u njega, izlazim van da ga potražim ali uokolo su neki građevinski radovi, tražim put, raspitujem se gdje je i kažu mi da je tu blizu ali da ne mogu do njega jer je neprohodno (radovi u toku) i sve je u priličnom neredu.....

13 Wed Boris Greiner

Sjedim u udobnoj, prozirnoj fotelji fiksno spojenoj na kućište. Sve zajedno nalazi se u prozirnoj kupoli ovalna oblika. Ona je s obzirom na livadu, postavljena uspravno. Kupola, kućište i fotelja su iz jednog komada. Napredan tehnološki sustav omogućava kupoli pomicanje naprijed-natrag, gore-dolje. Ponekad cijela kupola odskoči od livade.

14 Thu Pablo

I am flying over some rich district houses like in the american movies. Then I see a toy of a dying cocrodile. It moves mechanical, it's motorized to move like an agonizing cocrodile. It's not an old toy without battery, it's completely new but designed to move like that. Then I continue the fly and in the door of the next house I see a mechanich toy of a dying snake and a little boy with fake rabitt ears staring up at me. I wake up with the sound of the prayer, it's Ramadan and I'm in Ramallah, Palestine.

15 Fri Desa Martek

Negdje sam u dubokom svemiru...Tišina je stvarna. Držim u ruci mrežicu za leptire i njome hvatam planete, prave pravcate. Evo, jedna je upala u mrežicu za leptire. Više nemam želja, opet je puštam natrag u beskraj, gdje ona, gle, padajući raste prema svojoj punoj veličini, padajućiiiii raste, padajući raste... Osjećam prisutnost indigo plave boje.

16 Sat Tamara Štambuk

Stojim gola na ružičastoj traci sjajnoj poput satena širine oko 3 metra sa lagano uzdignutim rubovima. Traka se spiralno uzdiže prema gore, široka je u promjeru oko 10 metara, a vrh spirale se gubi u visini dok nas okružuje svemir. Apsolutna je tišina i mrak, jedino što svjetli je ružičasta traka spirale (ili sam možda ja izvor svjetlosti) dok oko mene ima najviše svjetla. Prije nego krenem penjati se uz spiralu skidam svoju kožu i uredno je slažem na desnu stranu trake i krećem na put prema Saturnu, na svakom zavoju ponavljam postupak skidanja kože koju slažem uz desni rub trake. Put dugo traje, ali ne stižem do vrha već se budim u procesu.

17 Sun Amela Frankl

Nikada ne sanjam. Jedini san kojeg sam nedavno sanjala i zapamtila ticao se mojeg hendikepa. San je bio kratak i sve se dogodilo vrlo brzo. Snažan trzaj hendikepirane noge spasio me od jurećeg automobila iz nepoznatog smjera i mogućeg smrtonosnog udarca. Brzina i snaga trzaja noge kojim sam izbjegla kobni udes iznenada me probudio iz sna. Zašto sam sanjala i zašto je san uopće imao veze s mojim hendikepom?

18 Mon Sunčanica Tuk

Nalazim se na povišenom mjestu, očito u jednom od nebodera u Koprivnici. S moje mi desne strane, od zapada, odjednom nailaze ogromni valovi i sručuju se silovito među zgrade. Još me voda ne dohvaća. Trebala bih prijeći u susjednu zgradu u kojoj imam stan, međutim, nemoguće je – voda raste. Nailazi drugi ogroman val.

19 Tue Snježana Klarić

Sanjam kako mirno ležim, i ponirem u svoju unutrašnjost. Mentalno, vidim da je u središtu moga bića ogromna praznina, kao nekakvo mrtvo jezero ili ništa, tama iz koje struji neshvatljiva, nepojmljiva pustoš, područje nebitka. Čudim se kako ranije nisam primjetila tako važan dio sebe, kako je moguće da nikada prije nisam osjetila to golemo i moćno, gluho i mirno ništa. U snu shvaćam da ono pliva u središtu svakog bivanja, svakog postojanja. Pomirena sa smrću ustajem i odlazim. Moj um projicira taj odlazak dok tijelo i dalje ostaje ležati na postelji.

20 Wed Kenza

Quand j'ai la fievre, je reve de couleurs qui me donnent la sensation de mourir.

21 Thu Sandra

Last night I dreamt that I came inside the museum I work and saw a project I proposed set in motion. The idea behind the project was this: paintings would be hung high up on the wall and could only be reached with ladders: two for each painting, one for a curator and one for a visitr. You both have to climb the ladder in front of the work and once, on top of it, the curator will give you a private talk about the painting.I came inside the exhibition space, and I saw all these paintings and people with my colleagues on top of the ladders discussing the pieces.

22 Fri Laura de Vogel

I was in a conversation with my sister, when I told her I had found my third eye. I was really suprised and happy about it but I felt like a weirdo. It was at the space in my neck just below my harline.. A real eye. After that she said to me, Really? I found mine too! nd she showed me hers it was next to her nose.

23 Sat Katharina

Letzte nacht traeumte ich von einem grossen fluss, in dem ich geschwommen bin.

24 Sun Sylvia

Ein wiederkehrender Traum: Ich baue um, und waehrend die Arbeiten vorangehen, entdecke ich unbekannte Raeume, die uebers Treppenhaus zu erreichen sind. Ich sehe mir diese Raeume genau an und entwickle viele Ideen, wie und was ich aus ihnen machen kann... Wenn ich aufwache bin ich voller Tatendrang.

25 Mon Anna Coene

I am waiting for something. When it is coming it tells me: why did you wait for me? Do you really think, I would keep my given word to someone like you?

26 Tue Adam

As a child, I had a recurring dream that I was standing over a bridge on a river. The water is far beneath me, and foaming white. I dreamt that someone unseen pushed me in, and as I fell I would try to twist around to see who it was. Just before I could make out who it was, I was under the water, being pulled away into darkness. Then, I would surface in a still lake, and see a small bird land on a nearby bough of a fallen tree.

27 Wed Ivana Kali

I am on back of whale - not at sea but on land. He's going down the path which exsist in reallity and lead to beach I know. He moves overland with lot's of difficulties and struggling, sweating... in severe pain. Managed to reach shallow water in last moment and resting there with relief...almost died...

28 Thu Momčilo Golub

Ja i moj mlađi brat, koji usput rečeno nikad nije bio u Dubrovniku, šetamo dubrovačkim zidinama za mirnog i sunčanog dana.Kad smo bili u području gdje more dotiče zidove, brata dotaknem kao znak da stane i kažem mu: Gledaj sad! I popnem se na zid i vrlo riskantno desnom nogom pređem stopalom preko ruba da se u času skoka mogi daleko odraziti, potom se sagnem koljenima i snažno odrazim, pa radosno i slobodno raširenih ruku letim k moru. U posljednji trenutak sastavim ruke da razbijem morsku površinu. I bi tako. More se od mog skoka zapjeni, ja se okrenem, zaveslam rukama leđno i gledajući brata viknem: Učini to, i ti skoči! Tog se časa probudim u krevetu i bi mi žao što je to bio samo san.

29 Fri Austin Tsai

Last night, I had a dream that I was in some amusement park like Disenyland. I was walking towards the clothing store which was completely dark and I look to my left and I see a pond. The pond had many boats, I looked at one of them and imagined what it would be like if Chloe and I was on there.

30 Sat Lucia

I’m in my bed. It’s night. Suddenly I feel as if I can’t breathe anymore. It gets worse and painful. I want to call out for my mother, but I can only make noises. Something in my chest begins to crack and it feels like it’s being pulled open. I wake up. I’m in my bed. Scared but happy that it’s over. Then it starts again. Can’t breathe. Try to shout. Chest cracks and is ripped open. I am terrified. I wake up! The fear is still there but OK I’m awake. Or not. It’s starting again! Every time is more intense. Once again, I’m bursting open until I awake. After this third time I was finally really awake. Everything looked the same and I didn’t know the difference between dream and reality anymore.

31 Sun Nina Kamenjarin

Gledala sam se kako spavam, kako se budim, obavljam svakodnevne aktivnosti dok istovremeno razmišljan zašto tako reagiram i kritiziran samu sebe. Probudila sam se naglo, kao da sam pala... i nisam bila sigurna sanjam li ili sam u javi...

1 Mon Bruno D.

I was driving a car through the night on a rainy wet road. Next to me, on a passenger seat, was a tinder date I have been matched with. At one point I felt sleepy. The car tilted and started spinning fast in a clockwise direction while still moving forward. When I reacted and successfully straighten the car from spinning I realized we were flying down the cliff. The car started hitting the cliff and rolling down, breaking the window in a moment when I grabbed the root of the tree and stopped the motion of the car. Thought to myself I have saved us until my hand slipped from the root. Thought to myself at that moment: "oh well... f*ck it..."

2 Tue Nika Krajnović

Vraćam se doma s nekakvog izlaska (kasno je navačer) u nekom turističkom gradu (u ideji je Zadar, no ima estetiku egipatskih hramova, visokih kolona, bijeli mramor, dugih vodenih bazena, slično kao obelisk u washingtonu) i napadnu me tri mladića na biciklama, maskiranih lica (prekriveni maramom) koji izgledaju kao migranti s bliskog istoka i žele me ubosti nožem i ubiti. Uspijevam se spasiti nakon što slučajno prođe nekoliko turista, no oni su više iziritirani situacijom nego što pokazuju empatiju. Pri dolasku doma, također pokušavam objasniti što mi se desilo i kako sam gotovo umrla, no nitko mi ne vjeruje ili me uvjeravaju da preuveličavam

3 Wed Ana

U gradskoj sam garaži, razina +3. Hodam prema autu, sve je oko mene hladni industrijski beton, čuje se benzin. Ulazim u auto, palim, prebacujem na automatik. Dok se isparkiravam primjećujem da kočnice ne rade dobro, auto ne staje kad želim nego s odgodom usporava. Ipak, idem. Rikverc udesno, zamah ulijevo. U sekundi, dvoje biciklista u uskim odijelima s printom koji asocira na kožu zmije/ribe bacaju se, liježu da ih pregazim. Prvo žena, a onda muškarac. Ispravljeni liježu, sasvim uredno pod auto, sve je kao naučena koreografija. U autu osjećam kako ih gazim, grbe koje gume savladavaju remete mi stabilnost, u šoku sam. Uspijevam zaustaviti se, izlazim. Žena je ra sko ma da na. Sve je crveno od krvi. Muškarac kao da je neuredno ipak legao. Samo mu je noga otkinuta. Pomislim u šoku: aktivisti. Ugledam svoje ruke dok prekrivam usta dok puštam vrisak.

4 Thu Mario Udženija

Dobio sam na poklon staru videoigricu od mame. Neki retro iz osamdesetih. jako kul. Mama mi govori da je u pitanju posebna konzola. Da ću sam vidjeti i da ona tada to nije znala ili uspjela proći sama. Dok sam priključio igricu i na kraju je završio ispalo je da oni koji uspiju, spoznaju ultimativnu tajnu svijeta. Mozak mi se pretvorio u dugu i imao sam nekakav ultramagicexperience. Vratio sam se na zemlju sa spoznajom da ljudi nisu jedina bića na svijetu. Postoje još inteligentnija bića koja su za nas nevidljiva. ona samo lebde u prostoru i izgledaju kao smotuljci nekakve tkanine, možda je materijal filc, onaj jako debeli. Veliki su. Veći od nas. I znaju sve.

5 Fri Sandra Uskokovic

Pattern like dream where I am folding up and storing on a safe place the skirt I used to wear during my college days. It was unique , hand made, having bright, dark red color . Unfortunately, in real life I have not kept it many other things that I am still not missing or recalling. I am left only with my memory archive.

6 Sat Dorta Jagić

Kad sam se vratila kući, u svoj krevet, sanjala sam da na modrom proplanku čitam neopisivo lijepe rečenice iz neke ilustrirane ali nikad objavljene knjige Matka Peića. Teško je opisati toliki užitak u tekstu. Ekstaza savršeno opisanog krajolika iz sna. (Ili je od infuzije ili je utjesna nuspojava otrovnog poljupca pauka, od mene nije.) Kad sam se probudila, nisam se mogla sjetiti nijedne peićevske rečenice. Osjećaj je bio sličan onom kad ti najljepše rukavice ostanu u tramvaju. I znaš da ih je netko uzeo. A ruke su ti gole.

7 Sun Sabahudin Gašić

Ničim izazvan sanjah da sam na koncertu The Cure, i odjednom, iz nekog razloga, koncert se ne može održati. Ja se popnem na pozornicu i zamolim Roberta Smitha da mi otpjevaju Pictures Of You. Bar tu pjesmu. Podsvjest mi nešto poručuje a tumačice snova nigdje na vidiku kao ni one čiju bih sliku nosio u novčaniku:) Dobar vam dan dobri ljudi pa čak i oni kojima ne smeta zvonjava crkvenih zvona ili arlaukanje imama dok poziva na molitvu..

8 Mon Natalija K.

San počinje u trenutku kad se odlazimo oprati nakon seksa (koji nisam sanjala ali je jasno da se u snu dogodio). Muškarac koji me prati je manje građe, ima bradu i kosu, nije netko koga poznajem niti imam asocijaciju na nekog iz života, potpuno mi je nepoznat, jasno ga vidim. Koračamo prema umivaoniku. Gola sam, grudi mi vise, dlakava, neobrijana, baš onakva kakva jesam, to sam baš ja. Dolazimo do velikog starinskog umivaonika sa dvije moderne pipe koje su zahrđale. Iz moje pipe kad je odvrnem curi voda, iz njegove ne. Ne razgovaramo, samo se pogledamo. On uzima ručnik, odvrne gornji dio pipe, očisti ga od kamenca i nečistoće, i precizno ga opet zašarafi. Meni je to izgledalo kao neko čudo, da je to uspio napraviti bez alata, jer je pipa bila jako zahrđala. Pogleda me ponosan i zadovoljan. U tom trenutku se budim.

9 Tue Alert

U Zagrebu sam, trebam ići kući u Karlovac. Ne mogu naći gdje sam parkirao auto pa se penjem u neki oronuo neboder da imam bolji pogled. Odjednom, nešto me zaskočilo sa leđa. To je mali mačić, popeo mi se na leđa i stisnuo za vrat. Želi da ide samnom. Pridržavam ga sa rukama i idemo dalje. Budim se..

10 Wed Jola

Rzadko po obudzeniu pamiętam co się mi śniło, ale są sny , które pamiętam bardzo dokładnie. I to właśnie te sny, czasami po latach, okazują się rzeczywistością, w której uczestniczę. Mam wówczas wrażenie, że już w czymś podobnym uczestniczyłam lub byłam czegoś świadkiem. i wtedy przypomina się mi sen z przeszłości. Nazywam te sny PROROCZYMI.

11 Thu Francesco

Quando ero piccolo ho sognato di arrivare in un porto con un galeone. Sono sceso dalla nave e la pavimentazione del porto era bagnata come dopo un temporale.In lontananza vedo Charlie Chaplin che cammina nel suo modo buffo. Mi avvicino, lo chiamo e lui si gira. Il volto di Charlie Chaplin, pero', era quello di mia madre con i baffi.

12 Fri Geert Wachtelaer

I dreamt that I was walking in Brussels. I saw all the facades, little streets and forgotten places. The old hotel in front of the Midi-Station where I would make my film about a couple making love in the afternoon, while the trains passing by. The sun over the city, the sound of Arabic speaking, Jump cuts, from one sensation to another, from one event on the street to another. The camera leaves the room and a view of the messy city Brussels, in a golden glow. I dreamt about myself more then thirty years ago.

13 Sat Marijan Molnar

Ujutro sam usnuo san. Ušao sam kroz prozor u neku kuću. Tu po raznim sobama sretao sam neke ljude. Nakon izvjesnog vremena trebao sam poći.

14 Sun Jelena Topić

Vidim djevojku koja kroz prozor napušta odaje svog ljubavnika, liči mi na moju drugaricu Jelenu. Odaja se nalazi na najvišem spratu zgrade, u samom potkrovlju. Ona silazi niz limene merdevine, previše hitro i nepažljivo…plašim se da će pasti. U jednom trenutku promašila je jednu stepenicu i počela padati, ali tada se samo potpomogla svojim krilima, koja su izrasla upravo u tom trenutku i ponovo ih uvukla kad je osjetila merdevine pod nogama. Do ulice se spušta nepažljivo skakučući po merdevinama, a meni nije jasno, i pitam se zašto ne koristi krila stalno i vine se u visine sa vrha zgrade, zašto krila koristi samo kada je u opasnosti. Odjednom začujem Jelenin glas, kaže mi da je to tekst predstave koju želi da režira. Ja joj zapanjeno kažem kako sam ja već sve u svojim mislima izrežirala i kako sam vidjela cijelu scenu baš dok mi je govorila. Kaže mi da se tekst zove NOKTURNO. Daje mi svoj rokovnik sa instrukcijama šta želi postići kroz ovaj tekst, koji ima bar tri ispisane rečenice, a ja se sjećam samo jedne: Letjeti silno kao strijela!

15 Mon Tomislav Brajnović

Gospićki san Polutama, mnoštvo ljudi u kretanju, prilazim im straga, oblaci se razmiču, otvara se kristalno bistro zvjezdano nebo, na nebu mnoštvo sjajno zlatnih užurbanih anđela. Armagedon.

16 Tue Marko Manic

Od prevelike želje za prvim odlaskom na EXIT 2006-te u NS, sanjao sam da je EXIT bukvalno u mom malom selu Karavukovu :) nemogu da opišem koliko je ljudi bilo i kakva je fešta bila u glavi i u selu :) kao da je žurka a svi su pozvani :D

17 Wed Antonio Grgić

Kada sam bio dječak živio sam u stanu na vrhu četverokatnice. Sanjao sam da sam izišao kroz prozor sobe u kojoj sam spavao. Kroz prozor su se inače vidjela dva jablana, i kada sam izišao kroz taj prozor nisam pao, već su moje noge postale tako dugačke kao ta dva jablana. Bio sam visok kao ta četvorokatnica i hodao sam tako visok među okolnim niskim zgradama bez straha, kao da je to moje najnormalnije stanje.

18 Thu Zulfikar Filandra

U snu sam mali. Trebam da udarim nekoga. Puno ih je oko mene. Trebam da zamahnem, ali moja šaka je prikovana za moje tijelo. Ne mogu je ispružiti. Koncentrišem se. Dižem se. Počinjem letjeti. Letim iznad svega.

19 Fri Vera B.

Sanjala sam da na uže za sušenje rublja vješam tek oprane knjige... Krleža, nekakve enciklopedije... Voda kaplje sa stranica...

20 Sat Oliver

Kad sam imala 4 godine, imala sam prvu noćnu moru, koje se i danas sjetim i na koju me asocirao ovaj projekt. Bio je to kratak san, ali i sad me progoni, vjerojatno je on i uzrok moje klaustrofobičnosti, a išao je ovako: čekala sam u nekom hotelu s mramornim zidovima i crvenim tepihom lift (i u snu sam bila dijete od 4 godine). Sama. Kad je lift došao i kad su se vrata otvorila unutra je bio onaj lik što je vodio Kolo sreće - Oliver (nekakav kviz na televiziji kad sam bila mala). Imao je sivo odijelo i crvenu leptir mašnu i one svoje cvike. Bio je nasmijan. Ušla sam u lifti vrata su se zatvorila. Oliver je bio vozač lifta. U jednom trenutku lift se zaustavio i ja sam se počela gušiti i tražitit izlaz, a on me samo gledao sa smješkom na licu. Probudila sam se i počela zvati mamu.

21 Sun Zrinka

Stojim na balkonu pokojne bake na trećem, posljednjem katu zgrade u predvečerje. Ispod mene kompleks dvorišta. Znam da moram pobjeći i bojim se visine, ali penjem se i odlučim skočiti. Počinjem plivati kroz zrak.

22 Mon Ana Ratković

Jednom sam sanjala da posjedujem malu napravu za letenje, križanac između ruksaka, padobrana i pojasa za spašavanje. Najviše volim sanjati da letim, i u snu sam nekako postala svjesna da sanjam i da mogu odletjeti gdje hoću. Letjela sam iznad polja pored Save i dodirivala vrhove grana. Sjećam se svakog detalja, jednom ću provjeriti da li se kolibe koje sam sanjala zaista tamo nalaze.

23 Tue Tonja Čuić

Jedan stari san: Imam 6 godina i cijeli moj razred moja mama vodi u školu prema Križanićevoj. Kod knjižnice na Trgu žrtava fašizma su one skale po kojima ja sviram, jer nikako da pređemo cestu, moja neprijateljica iz djetinjstva je sa mnom i nesto objašnjava kako se mora praviti da ne zna reći „R“, a ja sam nervozna jer cemo zakasniti u školu; Oliver Dragojevic od cca 65 god je prometnik, obično obučen, i ne pusta nas da prođemo, Oliver od recimo 45 vozi tramvaj i prolazi čineći tramvajem ogradu za nas da bismo teoretski mogli proći, no ovaj nas jos ne pušta; jedini auto koji ide je Renault Twingo u kojem je isto Oliver, ali ne znam koji . Možda i Mlakar. Ja u grču, plačući urlam :“Ali Oliver, samo je Oliver prošao, zakasnit ćemo u skolu i morat ćemo brojati!“ Mama i Oliver – prometnik me tješe, ja se u grčevitom plaču budim.

24 Wed Marko Marković

Prije nekoliko noći sam sanjao da gradimo nešto u studiju Matthew Barneya. Igradili smo novi svijet koji je bio u obliku beskrajne džungle. Iznad drveća na nebu je bio veliki prozor. Taj svijet smo izgradili kako bi razne vojske mogle ratovati na tom području ne uništavajući ovaj svijet koji mi imamo.

25 Thu Jeff Ostendorff

Short and racially charged dream, two nights ago There are four white women singing a capella in bright yellow dresses wearing 1960s style bee-hive wigs (think Hairspray). It all seems charming and innocently retro until they drop the N-word. Dream ends.

26 Fri Elena

Ho sognato un edificio infinito nell'altezza, io mi trovavo al piano terra, e per raggiungere i piani superiori dovevo prendere le scale mobili. Ad ogni scala corrispondeva un pedaggio che dovevo pagare consegnando i miei sogni.

27 Sat Daisy Strang

I used to have a reaccuring dream in which me and my little brother were trying to escape from a tidal wave. So we climbed a tree to avoid the wave and waited until it had passed. Once it had passed we went into a small cottage to rescue an old man who had no eyes. We then went outside to keep running and saw a man on a horse in the distance. I would then wake up

28 Sun Norbert

Je n'ai pas été prévenu que vous deviez vérifier votre valise. Un ami ne m'a pas averti que je devais enregistrer ma valise. À l'aéroport Fin du sommeil: cherchant désespérément votre valise dans la chambre d’arrivée, les bagages du reste de moi et de mon ami accrochés au plafond, mais pas les miens.

29 Mon Magdalena

Estoy en la platea de un pequeño teatro con un bebe en brazos.

30 Tue Roberta Coldel

Ho sognato di galleggiare nell'aria e di nuotare in essa sopra ad una citta'. Nonostante io fossi leggera faticavo a spostarmi e non riuscivo a procedere nel mio percorso e cio' mi ha provocato un tale fastidio che mi ha fatto svegliare.

1 Wed Profa E. F. Istaqa

I find myself in the emptiness beyond space-time. Suddenly I realise that, since I'm actually without any form, I can use my mind to cross great distances in split second. I go back millions of years just to see the Earth and what place belonged to me in then order of things. That's how I find myself among ancient whales, Achaeoceti, swimming in murky waters in which one couldn't see their fin in front of their face. Later I decide to see very distant future and thus I haul over few billion years ahead. I don’t open my eyes. It’s very, very light: terror of The Real is clearly felt. I'm only sure that everything ephemeral is there, just as everybody that has ever existed. Everything seems motionless. If there ever has been any motion it has never belonged to the known universe. I call it The Antique and I think it presents the basis of any action.

2 Thu Ivana Diklić

I was in London tonight, but haven't seen London, only some construction sites and clothes drying there.

3 Fri Chris V. der Veken

Ik zat in de baarmoeder van een paard.... Samen met een veulen ... een prachtig zwart veulen, dat zwaar ademde, net zoals het paard zelf. Je voelde het bloed stromen doorheen je hele zijn ... Het veulen lag half onder in een glimmend gitzwart vocht ...Het was een holle ruimte met strakke donkerrode gebogen wanden van bloedaders en opgespannen vel.Ik zat comfortabel op mijn hurken bij in het vloeistof ...en ...ik was een voordracht aan het geven; zeer rustig en duidelijk. Het was allemaal zeer normaal en bevredigend. Tot ik me de vraag stelde hoe ik er weer uit moest ... ik raakte in paniek toen werd ik wakker

4 Sat Ružica Zajec

I run down from the top of a grassy hill, wearing my favourite new shoes. The grass is sprayed over with silver paint and at first I'm afraid that it's going to ruin my shoes, but soon enough I'm satisfied with their new silvery look. At the foothill I reach a ledge on which there's something like a dance floor, surrounded with clusters of red roses. I hear a waltz playing and I come nearer, admiring the red roses.

5 Sun Anna

I've dreamed of a man, who has killed himself in the kitchen by pushing himself on a meter-long knife. And then for unexplicable reason it was extremely difficult for all the witnesses to call to both police and ER - there was a sort of administrative problem just to make a call to these services. There was a lot of blood and panic, and nobody has done anything - people were paralysed and held by an imaginary obstacle.

6 Mon Holger Stark

A medium-sized port city in Germany, a housing estate for the port workers, many streets with houses with two floors, each house has two entrances. A huge big centipede comes rattled around the corner. He is so big, so long! I run, crying, trying to open the door to our house to come in oure flat. Again and again the wrong door. But the centipede does not get me. I wake up. And when I fall asleep again it comes back around the corner. A terrible, always recurring childhood dream ...

7 Tue Grazia

Ho sognato di non sentire piu il dolore

8 Wed John Petter

In my dreams I often see my family. That my relatives having conversation with my office colleagues, school mate, freinds who should have no idea of each other. Deeply in the conversation there were always nonsence, that my niece has swallowed a tiger, my auntie just bought an island, and the tiny little things that would never realize. What bothers me is that I never see my man in my dream, who I plan to get married within 18 months, sometimes I really worried about that...

9 Thu Eric Loret

I was playing with poor alien kids, running in some kind of a dome, holding my passport in my hand. Suddenly, one of the kids grabbed my passport and then it was torn apart. I had to find the mother and ask her to give me money to buy a new passport. But I was so ashamed because I knew she was poorer than me. So I was torn, like the passport, between asking her money and giving up. I wanted to leave her my visit card, but then I discovered I had forgotten them. And I thought :"No passport anymore, no card, I cannot leave this country anymore, I am an illegal alien, just like them."

10 Fri Jaroslaw

Recently, I have dreamt that I had cancer.

11 Sat Rob from New York

I returned early from a vacation to find that my house had been taken over by a pop up clandestine food & performance troupe. They had drastically altered the structure of the house. They were in the midst of rehearsing and preping everthything for that nights event. It was all very carnal and disorienting. Instead of confronting them I got on a boat that happened to be in the backyard.

12 Sun Luca

I always dream I have to repeat my final exam at school...

13 Mon Igor

I was flying on my bed above filds of corn. Hence peculiar signs in cornfield - dreamers maide them.

14 Tue Stefania

Nel mio sogno mi trovo dietro ad un bagno pubblico in uno spazio in cui si apre un giardino incantato pieno di fiori e candele. In questo luogo sono invitata ad accomodarmi ad una lunga tavola dove numerose persone stanno cenando. Il tavolo confina con un muro di uno dei bagni dove e´ stato fatto un buco e noi possiamo osservare le persone che vanno in bagno. Un uomo entra ed inizia a cantare l'opera teatrale che gli invitati stanno osservando e che si sta svolgendo in giardino su di un palco.

15 Wed Maya

For some reason I was at an aquarium and I was told about an erie fish with a beak. I noticed that the tank for the fish was slightly uneven. I looked in a crack between the tank and the wall and a man hissed at me. He ran and I followed him into a cinnabar covered temple.

16 Thu Evi KriepsI

I was in a glasshous, a cube wich stood in the middle of the desert. The light surrounding me was in nice colours pastel like a sunset.

17 Fri IO

Ho sognato la mia nascita. Ero all esterno dell ospedale dove mia madre partoriva e non mi riconosceva nessuno. Ero un'ombra solitaria e inquieta

18 Sat J. Satterfield

I go to bed. There is darkness. I wake up.

19 Sun Annick

In my dream I was climbing a mountain. For me that is odd because I am scared of heights. the higher I got, the more difficult it became but when I looked up I saw my father standing on the top off the hill. He died almost 10 years ago. There are still some things I wanted to say to him and in the dream I got the chance: I woke up feeling releaved.

20 Mon Uliacan

I dreamed that my boyfriend is gay, I was deeply dissapointed and sad

21 Tue Sigrun

I live in a basement, with the rather small windows high up on the wall. I dreamt that a killer whale came floating past one of these windows an it stopped outside, filing the whole window pane with its eye. Its dark voice talked to and urging me to save the world. "And to do so", it said, you have to remember these four word:..." And I just couldn't remember those words when I woke up.

22 Wed Britt Kee

I wandered through a large art store. There was no agenda for the materials I wished to find. I just wanted something that felt right. I continued walking through and my cat appeared. She had travelled far. I was in Italy. She lives in New York. I was distracted by her presence.

23 Thu Žaklina Antonijević

U šumi sam. S prijateljima. Sunčan je i lijep dan. Hodamo po nekoj čistini na kojoj je suha polegnuta trava i pogled mi privuče pokret s desna... par zmija u pravilnom razmaku, kao strijele, ispravljenog tijela kreću se prema nekom svom cilju... i na drugoj, lijevoj strani još jedan par... izlazi ih sve više, dolaze sa svih strana u parovima i istom smjeru kretanja... ne osjećam nikakvu opasnost... samo gledam kako prolaze kraj mene.... i kao da me njihova pojava svojim dolaskom okrenula u tom smjeru ugledam jedan par u daljini, nekako krupniji i drugačiji od ostalih... kad su se približile iznenađena sam prizorom koji mi je pred očima: kraljevski par... izgledaju arhetipski, nestvarno, netvarno, hologramski.... par zmija sivkaste kože većim dijelom tijela polegnute na travu, a manjim uspravne pod kutem od 90 stupnjeva. Jednoj se na vrhu glave nalazi Sunce, drugoj Mjesec... one ne nose sunce i mjesec na glavi kao krune... dio su njihovog tijela... sunce i mjesec presvučeni kožom. Kao da me ne primjećuju, a ja potpuno zapanjena ne mogu skinuti pogled s njih. Slijedećeg trenutka pogledi su nam se sreli i ja sam se probudila.

24 Fri Mirna Bojić

Sanjam kako jurim po fakultetu na konzultacije, jer su mi javili da nisam položila jedan ispit na fakultetu. panika me hvata, jer ne znam niti tko drži kolegij, niti gdje ću naći literaturu za ispit. Naziv kolegija mi je nepoznat, dovoljno za noćnu moru...(diplomirala sam prije 15 godina :-))

25 Sat Catherine

I dreamt that I was in a forest fighting with a black bear. I was beating it up with a wooden stick while my camping comrades were around us, looking at the scene in silence. I never thought I could be so violent with an animal. I somehow won the battle, the bear was left half uncounscious. Then it stood up and opened its arms to me. My comrads tell me that it was the sign that it was waiting for reconciliation. Touched by this gesture, I walked slowly towards the bear, opening my arms in order to hug it. We hug. Its hair is very soft, its body is warm and confortable. As I was resting it its big arms, it suddenly bit me in the neck. Starteled, I wake up.

26 Sun Ivana Kali

Sanjala sam da sam u poodmakloj trudnoći i naga se gledam u ogledalu. Bila sam si lijepa.

27 Mon Boris Cvjetanović

I am at home and next to the window looking at the vegetation in the park below. Radio is on, there is some music. Suddenly the program is interrupted. A male or female newscaster announces in panic: „This is our final report, we have been informed that the Sun is quickly cooling and this is the end.“ I throw another glance at the park. The scenery is changing with lightning speed, the trees and everything else is becoming white, ice-bound. I try to quickly think of some way to survive, since I know that even if there is no heat from the Sun, the Earth is still bound to have some heat within itself. Geyser, that's the solution, it brings the heat from the Earth's core to its surface. I start to move towards the geyser, but I know that something is missing – a woman. I take a woman of utterly unclear identity with me and we reach a green oasis surrounded with infinite ice. From the centre of the oasis spurts a high jet of hot water and there is nobody else in the world. We are saved! But in that very moment the geyser becomes a frozen fountain and it is all over... I wake up in my sleeping bag in a small sailboat, chilled to the bones. The thermometer in the berth shows -9oC. The sea is covered with a thin crust of ice

28 Tue Toma Zidic

Water. Plenty of water in somewhat as old, abandoned yet preserved institutional building. I find myself walking, roaming along endless hallways. Grey, cold and monumental corridors. Perspective is flipped, I'm watching myself through someone else's eyes right on my back. I see myself dressed in draped, white toga or something. Water level is rapidly raising up. Every time i find the exit door I end up on the same spot I've started walking... Cold, grey, illusion, thousands of reflections... I'm teared apart. From inside. I transform to a silver bird, still walking, strolling across the water. I wanna fly away... I turn around and see hallway full of me. More and more reflections, holograms of myself trying to strangle me to death. In blink of eye they disappear. I'm lifelessly reposing under the water surface. Flock of silver birds is impending over me... Whole scene vanish in one silver strobe, blast of light..

29 Wed Irena

Nalazim se u nekom mjestu na moru. Moram stići od jednog hotela do drugog na otvorenje izložbe. Najprije hodam po cesti s nekim umjetnicima koje poznajem, a potom sama po glatkim stijenama uz more. Krećem se vrlo polako jer me užasno bole noge i leđa. Pritom me prati kornjača koja me pokušava ugristi, a ja joj svaki put izmaknem za milimetar.

30 Thu Toni Horvatić

Jutros sam se probudio nakon zaista neobičnog sna. Bio je toliko intenzivan da su mi i sada njegovi obrisi još uvijek dovoljno jasni pa ga mogu podijeliti s vama. A što sam sanjao? Sanjao sam mnoštvo ljudi kako ulaze u Salon Galić u Splitu, zadržavaju se neko vrijeme unutra i ozarenih lica izlaze vani što mi je bilo potpuno čudno jer kao prvo u Salon Galić nikad toliko ljudi nije ušlo niti kroz cijeli tjedan, a kamoli u jednom danu... Neko neodređeno vrijeme sam čekao da svi ti ljudi uđu i izađu jer ne volim gužve niti na javi (pa valjda posljedično niti u snu), te sam naposlijetku i sam ušao da vidim što je sve te ljude privuklo i što im ozaruje lica... U potpuno bijelo obojenoj centralnoj prostoriji Salona, obavijena nekom nadnaravnom prozračnošću što preplavljuje svaki pedalj prostora spokojno je spavala Kata Mijatović. Obuzet prizorom duboko sam udahnuo i zatvorio oči. Osjetio sam kako cijelo moje biće postaje lakše, kao da levitiram i pomislio: "Bože koja ljepota". Trenutak potom oči su se same otvorile, a ja sam gledao u plafon spavaće sobe. Osjetio sam kako mi osmjeh sam od sebe preplavljuje ozareno lice, lagano sam ustao, otišao u kuhinju, stavio vodu za kavu da uzavre i zahvalio Bogu na još jednom poklonjenom danu... :) :) :) :)

31 Fri Iris Thürmer

Ich fahre (mit dem Rad) mit R. und A. einen Kiesweg entlang. Meine Bluse ist vorn offen, ich fahre brustfrei. Es fühlt sich gut an. Später fahre ich in einem Kleid, das hinten offen ist. Ich spüre die Blicke auf meinem Arsch. Auch das fühlt sich sehr gut an. Trotzdem habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich mir etwas anziehen müsste. Wir halten an. Ein Auto, das ich für ein Polizeiauto halte, hält dicht neben uns. Ich beeile mich, mich zu bedecken. Aus dem Auto steigt eine sehr nette italienische Familie. Keine Polizisten. Eine alte Frau führt eine braun-weiße Ziege an einem Strick herbei und legt mir den Strick in die Hand. „Antonia“ sagt sie und ich verstehe, dass das der Name der Ziege ist. Ich bin glücklich.

1 Sat Ivan Kraljević

I'm driving along Zvonimirova Street, towards my home. I notice another car on my side of the road, but driving in opposite direction, making its way through the traffic jam. I fetch my mobile phone and call the police. I tell them that somebody's driving in the opposite direction and ask them to send somebody to stop him. The voice from the other side says: „What do you think that we haven't anything better to do, but to stop people whenever you feel like it? If you're wearing anything blue just pretend to be a policeman and stop them yourself!“ I put the phone down, get out of the car and stop this person who's driving in the opposite direction. A non-descript guy wearing a hat gets out of the car. I ask him: „ Well, what are you doing? Who are you?” He says: „I think you know very well who I am” and he offers me a card on which is written:

2 Sun Lily of the walley

Nocas...sanjala sam po drugi put u zivotu, dva Sunca. Ugledala sam ih slucajno, pozvala nekoga, ne sjecam se koga...da to pokusamo snimiti

3 Mon Milos Djurdjević

he came over fields, in darkness, following dusk, tall grasses thinning out, a hundred paces before a dike, in front of him then, now must be over there, there should be an overpass, he withdrew slowly with dusk like before, then grows into a chain of street lamps, like a fence, like a panel over grid of light, like a moat they buried later on, covered over to bring it deeper, to earth again, in earth, without soil, it rises now and sinks in thick air

4 Tue Alex

I am in a snowy field at night. A group of people is behind me in some distance and I hear conversations. While I have the feeling to belong to this group, I also have the feeling that I moved away from them on purpose, maybe because I don't want to belong to them. I decide to build an igloo and start by piling up snow. The people behind me notice that and start laughing. I continue to build the igloo and when I dig out the hole for the entrance, the laughter stops. From another perspective, maybe from someone inside the group, I see myself enter the igloo and lighting it up from inside. The light goes through the walls of the igloo and can be seen shining outside. Again in my own body inside the igloo, I decide to watch the stars. I break open the ceiling and lay down on the ground on my back to stare at the stars. However, the hole I made is to small to see much and I remove more snow on the edges to widen the opening. Still unsatisfied I continue to broaden the opening but it never is enough. I want to see the starts only. Desperate and filled with anger I push through the wall with my head and break a hole into it. Laying halfway outside, covered in snow I finally see the starts filling my entire field of view. I feel like I have accomplished something very important. Not only did I break through the snow barrier, but also I broke some inner barrier that hindered me from seeing the only important thing, namely the stars.

5 Wed V.T.

Već drugi put sanjam tu baštu s okruglom fontanom u sred vrtova do kojih se dugo penje stepenicama. Počinje kiša i bosa sjedam na bijelu stolicu i dugo slušam zvuke vode koja teče, kaplje, žubori. Mirna sam, spokojna..

6 Thu Sylvia R

Hello I had a dream of being in the centre of a road, standing with my legs astride and glued to the road. A car was coming towards me with speed and I could not move to run out of the way. It drove through me as though I were a ghost.

7 Fri Sarah Rose

I had a dream a few nights ago that I was driving down a road at night, and for some reason, I pulled over, and my best childhood friend was there, and he handed me a couple of pictures. At first, the pictures were of my boyfriend who is currently serving our country over seas...but then the pictures turned into pictures of Jesus. Almost as though it was a hologram. Anyone have any thoughts on how to interpret this dream?(:

8 Sat Magdalena

Imam moć letenja. Baš dobar osjećaj. Ne hodam nego letim metar, metar i pol, dva, čak i tri metra od tla, kako gdje, i obilazim grad. Glavnu ulicu, park, oko crkve, oko Delinog kafića… Imam bijelu ravnu okruglu lepezu (slična reketu za stolni tenis) i kad počnem mahati njome, tako se počinjem dizati u zrak. Kao nekakav jaki propeler. Na terasi kafića sjedili su neki poznati ljudi, tamo sam s nekim porazgovarala i opet zamahnula lepezom da bih se malo digla iznad tla i odletjela dalje. Lepezom sam manevrirala, koliko visoko, u kojem pravcu letim. Pomislila sam i da nije baš dobro izazivati letenjem po gradu jer će me proglasiti vješticom.

9 Sun Sarah

I am lying in bed, a swarm of bees covers the ceiling as well as a mirror ball hanging, I know they wont hurt me, I wake up myself calling my sons name.

10 Mon Jacopo Tedeschi

Era una mattina di 13 anni fa, rintanato sotto le coperte del nostro divano-letto nella nostra casa di Marina. A quel tempo avevo solo una decina d'anni. Ho sognato di trovarmi li', dentro all'appartamento, ma di notte, una notte scusa e senza luna. Ad un tratto apparve una stregha, che mi incanto con parole di cui non ricordo la lingua od il significato, eppure mi agghiacciarono nel profondo. Provai una paura inspiegabile, forte, che veniva da dentro. E poi mi resi conto che loro erano li', mia mamma, mio fratello, tutti. Ma ora erano di pietra, fredde statue immobili prive di vita. Era stata lei, la stregha a farlo. Volevo salvali, ma non ne avevo i mezzi, e adesso lei voleva fare quello che aveva fatto a loro anche a me. Cosi' scappai, cercai prima di nascondermi sotto il tavolo, poi uscii di casa nella notte, e dopo scappai nella citta'. Dovevo salvarli. Ma lei mi seguiva, non avevo io stesso via di scampo, ne tanto meno avrei potuto fare niente per loro. Tristezza. Alienazione... E mi svegliai... mia mamma intenta a preparare la colazione.

11 Tue Caspar

I dreamed that I was in an abandoned underwater city that was slowly coming back to life.

12 Wed Chiaranina

Sogno spesso di galleggiare in mezzo ad un mare nero come il petrolio.

13 Thu Marita Fox

I could jump, not fly, but jump and suspend. Such agility, flexibility and lightness. I would stay up high by hanging from beams of wood in the sky. I was preparing to kill, to protect my friend, I was going to assasinate a man.

14 Fri Leo Powell

I have a recurring dream, every 2 months or so: I can see a toilet bowl, which overflows.Sometimes I manage to stop it overflowing, sometimes I don't. It is very stressfull.

15 Sat Owen

I am stumbling through a ditch. Then I am outside the city looking back at the clustered tall glass buildings in the distance. In the sky a large swirling green shape hovers, strange and unearthly. It has an oval shape with markings surrounding it... I feel a beam come from the object, and I notice I have the same green and black design tattooed on my wrist.

16 Sun Adam Krasz

My dreams are black and empty like this laptop

17 Mon Ian Flatman

In one of my dreams there was a hand attatched to the end of my arm. It was the same size as my hand, but a little firmer, and a lot more inflamed, or bloated, I am not sure. I knew it wasnt my hand because it didnt feel like I had any control over it. When I moved my arm my hand stayed still on the table and my wrists stretched. I was scared that I would never had my hand back so I went for a walk. Along the way I met a small girl who wanted to skip rope. When I said that she wanted to skip over my wrist she laughed and said that she knew that.

18 Tue Dr.

In front of me was a huge white paper. I was very calm at first but suddenly black ink skribbled over it, covering it. I was nervous until suddenly the ink disappeared and the paper was blank again. Then I was calm again.

19 Wed Sacha

I get on a bus in Paris. It is doing the petite ceinture, the inner circle line. Suddenly I realise that I have left my newborn baby behind. I get off at every stop of the circle line, looking for a white plastic bag in which I (I realse in shock) carried her, but I do not find her.The getting off, seraching and getting on continues until I wake up.

20 Thu Lucette

I am walking through a forest. The branches of the trees are heavy with rain. I sense a feeling of sadness, a feeling of being haunted by someone, an person I do not know yet whom I don\'t fear. I know for some reason that the path through the woods is the last thing I will experience while on earth. Suddenly I feel a sense of pain in my back, my stomach. The unknown person stands before me. I am breaking into a million and more silvery pieces of radiant light. I never sens such a complete and intense feeling of happiness again.

21 Fri Caroline Engel

Most of the time it's dark, there is almost no bright light..

22 Sat Caroline

When I was a child, I had a dream which returned again and again I was sleeping in my bed, when suddenly a little golden ball appeared in one corner of my room (opposite of my bed) and started to roll towards me while getting bigger and bigger. Just before it seems to smash me, I woke up.

23 Sun Joerg

Ich fahre auf einem Schiff, das in die Dunkelheit zurueckkehrt.

24 Mon MB

MB I dreamt I was opening a bright, shiny silver door and as I reached for the handle, a beautiful silver, shiny caterpillar appeared, almost completely camoflauged, but I quickly pulled away, startled by the unexpected

25 Tue Ivana Meštrov

Na putu sam s prijateljima iz studentskih dana. Kroz san odzvanja naš konstantni smijeh i živahan razgovor koji se vodi u sto smjerova. Čini se da smo u Africi. Ili je to možda Južna Amerika? Nije niti bitno. Predvodim kolonu vozeći jedno od velikih terenskih vozila. (Vožnju u budnom stanju još nisam savladala. ) Okruženi smo najneobičnijom, gustom i svježom vegetacijom, a simultano nas prati i nadlijeće jato šarenih ptica nalik na ružičaste plamence. Njihova krila svako malo mijenjaju boje neba. Promatram scenu još dosta dugo i iz ptičje perspektive. Sve do buđenja.

26 Wed Rodrigo Rojas

I often dream that I am going in a room. I open a door that open on a diffenrente place. I explore that new place and open a new door. I get deeper and deeper.

27 Thu Michaela

I am in an empty room with a piano

28 Fri Mon

Correvo nel duomo di Milano. Facevo un percorso lunghissimo cercando la mia borsa. Non ricordavo cosa c'era dentro, ma dovevo trovarla ad ogni costo. Correvo ogni volta piu veloce. Ero stanca, e alla fine sono entrata in una stanza, dove mi guardava una donna. Io lo detto: non ci riesco, non la trovo piu. E lei mi ha guardato e mi ha detto: ce l'hai addosso, e' propio con te.

29 Sat Ivan Angiolini

Ho sognato di vivere in una casetta di legno in mezzo ad un frutteto. Tutto era perfetto, l'azzurro del cielo era l'azzurro perfetto, e i colori della frutta cosi vivi e belli, che solo guardandoli, mi dissetavano e nutrivano. Ma io avevo un lavoro da compiere: dovevo dipingere spirali, in miniatura, su piccolissime scatole. Lo facevo seduto ad un tavolo di legno, sotto un'albero di mele rosse, come quelle di Biancaneve. Era un lavoro bello ma faticoso, dovevo rimanere molto concentrato. Ogni tanto mi stancavo, e avevo voglia di smettere, ma sollevavo gli occhi, e vedevo a fianco a me un bellissimo uomo, dai lunghi capelli neri, che mi sorrideva dolcemente, e telepaticamente mi incoraggiava a continuare il lavoro. Il suo sorriso mi scaldava il cuore, ed io felice riprendevo il lavoro.

30 Sun Sulammita

Ho sognato di essere finalmente guarita, e di correre su di una piazza, davanti ad una chiesa bianca, barocca, di fronte al mare. Quando sono venuta a Venezia, l'ho riconosciuta: era la chiesa della Salute.

31 Mon Michele Salvador

Quando ero bambino avevo un sogno ricorrente. Sognavo, che c'era qualcuno che veniva a prendermi a casa mia. Io mi nascondevo nel bagno piccolo, o dietro un armadio, sperando di non essere trovato, ma mi trovavano sempre. Erano, un tizio piccolo, tutto peloso che era il capo insieme ad uno alto, che eseguiva gli ordini. Mi portavano via in un posto scuro, mi mettevano stesso su un lettino, e dei macchinari pericolosi tipo ruote dentate, si avicinano sopra di me, fino a sfiorare il mio corpo. Avevo paura, ma dovevo restare fermo, immobile, e cosi non mi facevo male. Dopo di che ero salvo.

1 Tue Jacopo Caropreso

In un mio sogno ricorrente, mi alzo in volo con una mongolfiera colorata, e poi sorvolo un paesaggio collinare verde

2 Wed Hannes

Last night I had a dream: A strange man built a house in the garden of my home. So he became my neighbour.

3 Thu Christine E.Fowler

I often dream of a yellow room, I only dream of this room in the summer.

4 Fri Fabrizio

I was falling unconscious throgh the floor of my room. It was an endless fall and biside me were passing tounsend and tousends of shelves full of books. Then I woke up.

5 Sat Theyab Al Tamimi

I walk up crumbling steps in a crumbling building. The iron skeletal bars visible through the crumbling concrete. The steps go up for as far as I can tell. I keep climbing hoping the steps does not crumble under my feet. Sometimes I have to jump over a few steps. When I finally reach a floor, I find my mother and her friends having breakfast.

6 Sun Sandie M Sutton

I dreamt I found a room in my flat that Id never noticed before, even after living there for 10 years.

7 Mon Selima

I was in a house I know well, perhaps even my childhood house, but someone keeps telling me it was never mine and never will be.

8 Tue Bastienne

I was looking out of the window of my strangely simple wooden house, and I saw the vulcano in the distance erupting.... I tried to keep the house closed so that lava could not get in, especially the cat-door. But lava came in to the house and was going next to the bed and was sort of messy and burning. I kept on bein buisy

9 Wed Pam

I was in a floating sphere with many rooms and many corridors - the sphere was floating in space and it was dark all around, but the rooms and corridors were lit with a warm and inviting light. I wandered through the corridors and the rooms - feeling happy and safe - and excited too. There was a feeling of anticipation...

10 Thu Matej Tkalčević

I dreamt that I was with my partner in an orphanage. There were children playing around, each full of vitality; it was necessary to choose which child to adopt, but it seemed impossible to choose. Later, one of the attendants showed us a different part of the orphanage where certain children with disability and illness were kept away from the other healthy ones. The attendants at the orphanage fell into a sense of despondency and melancholy. It reminded me of a book I had read by Kazuo Ishiguro which I recommended to the attendants, the title When We Were Orphans came to mind, although that was not the correct book, it was another, the title of which evades me.

11 Fri Anto Jerković

Kad sklopim oči vidim plavo. Sanjam o: pravdi i nepravdi, životu i smrti, dobru i zlu prošlosti i budućnosti, poštenju i nepoštenju, ratu i miru ljubavi, pravu, sudbini, sreći, djelima i nedjelima vrlinama, prijateljstvu, istini TI DA BU DI BU DAN

12 Sat Domenico Olivero

My house is a big soap bubble

13 Sun Holger Stark

A medium-sized port city in Germany, a housing estate for the port workers, many streets with houses with two floors, each house has two entrances. A huge big centipede comes rattled around the corner. He is so big, so long! I run, crying, trying to open the door to our house to come in oure flat. Again and again the wrong door. But the centipede does not get me. I wake up. And when I fall asleep again it comes back around the corner. A terrible, always recurring childhood dream ...

14 Mon Vlado Martek

Laguna uz čije obale raste stabloliko grmlje, odnekud stižu autobusi. Ja sam nad vodama, plitkim i napola bistrima. Primiče se raznorodna publika. Moje središte od srca i duše ili moj pogled volje zna da trebam održati autobiografsko predavanje, da trebam reći o sebi u mjetnosti. Slutim da publika očekuje kratko i jasno izlaganje. Uto dobivam tijelo i njime zaogrnut ipak čvrsto stojim na vodi lagune. Izabirem mjesto izričaja uz obalu, a publika nalazi svoja mjesta ispred mene na velikoj splavi. Kad počinjem govoriti kroz osjećanje sebe prolazi lagani dah treme, ali slijedećeg trenutka on iščezava. U publici nikog ne poznajem, ali vidim da je to mlada populacija. Mislim kako sluša formalno, jer ništa od mog tumačenja nije obavezna prihvatiti, osim kao jednu priču jednog umjetnika. Govorim i gledam u vodu, ona kao da se bistri od moga gledanja. Uviđam da stojim na samoj vodi, ali me to ne začuđuje, sav sam u ekspliciranju svoje recimo-poetike. Publika postaje sve blagonaklonjenija, a ja pričam, imajući tijelo, dušu i valjda duh. Ovako zborim: U mome radu i djelovanju nema novih tehničkih izuma. Ja sam ostao na gramofonu i biciklu…U publici na splavi nastaje žamor, ja se i dalje ne čudim što pričajući o sebi stojim na vodi, bistroj, a lagano namreškanoj, plitkoj, boje otvorenozelene i smeđe. Laguna je osvijetljena kasnoljetnim sumrakom. Pogledavajući na publiku ona postaje sve starija, odnosno mladenački sve zrelija. Osjećam se ostarijelim kazališnim radnikom. Budim se u trenucima ponavljanja svojih stavova. Jer nešto ne štima, 'nužni' izlaz? Osjećao sam se sigurnim i uočavao sam detalje raslinja. Bili su to bambusi prije svega…

15 Tue Colin

I was standing in a wide hall. The kind of hall in which you're supposed to take supper and meet, in a high school. But it wasn't necessarly my high school. The light was dark, the walls were blue. Suddenly, it wasn't a hall any more. Rather kind of a changing room. There, I met Clare Danes, the actress from "Romeo and Juliet". She was naked. I understand my task is to prevent her from committing suicide. She starts banging her head against the blue walls, and screaming. I try to save her, but she's too committed into her action. I woke up.

16 Wed Frane Rogić

Na nekoj zelenoj livadi našao sam se u najboljem društvu koje sam mogao zamisliti. Slavili smo. U jednom trenutku začuo sam dozivanje odnekud. Veselo društvance iznenada je utihnulo. Svi su odjednom pogledali prema gore. Prilika u daljini, s nekakvog platoa iznad nas, pozivala nas je gore...Ćutio sam da je gore nepoznata livada.

17 Thu Martina Mezak

U nekoj prašumi sam, i neki ljudi su sa mnom, kao na izletu. Odjednom vidim frenda Sacha (koji je u preminuo prije nekoliko godina) i čudim se što je sa nama. On je veseo kao što je uvijek bio, šali se nešto sa mnom, vidim da drži neki blok i olovku i nekako skužim da je to popis onih koji će uskoro umrijeti. Nekako i žena pokraj mene to vidi i primjeti svoje ime na popisu, ja ga zašpotam da joj to baš i nije trebao pokazati, ali on se samo nasmije. Odjednom se smrači, počinje oluja, grane se njišu, neki viseći most se ruši, i onda shvatim da je Sach došao kao glasnik smrti i po mene. Tu me uhvati strah i poželim bježati ali Sach me smiruje i govori da će sve biti ok. U tom trenutku spazim ogroman kamion, cisternu sa benzinom ili uljem kako nam se velikom brzinom približava po šumskom putu i shvatim da će explodirati, pregaziti me. Saša me i dalje zeza i govori mi da se ne bojim i da me neće ništa boljeti. Kamion je sve bliže i ja liježem na pod pokrivajući glavu, očekujem udar.. ali ništa se ne događa i pomislim; ajde daj više, ali ništa,, dignem glavu da vidim što je i ne vidim ništa osim šume i prijatelja s faksa koji mi objašnjava da je tu preko sve isto, samo nema gravitacije pa se moraš naučiti kretati. Nakon toga sam se probudila. ne baš dobre volje :)

18 Fri Arianna

Qualcuno bussava alla porta, ho aperto incerta di chi fosse. La porta dava sulle scale ma il pianerottolo era vuoto. Ho percepito un respiro verso il basso e solo in quel momento come se l'aria fosse diventata estremamente densa lentamente ho rivolto lo sguardo in basso. C'era un grande cane nero con il vuoto negli occhi, pareva languido ma la sua presenza era inquietante. Stava li' come a presentare un vecchio conto. Solo un attimo. Ho sbarrato la porta e mi sono destata.

19 Sat Dorothy Lam

It was a dream within a dream within a dream...I was running through dark and whinny tunnels, then all of a sudden it turned into a white and shapeless shopping mall. I entered into the heart of it and tried to run up and down the stairs but only to find that the structure streched into infinity up and down, infinite floors infinite stairs. There is no way out of this indoor man made structure. I fell and woke up at a white train station walking with my friend Beatrice, and found a painter that was painting huge blue paintings on the tracks. Waking up again only to find that I was somewhere else, floating.... I talk in my sleep, in my jumbled mother tongue - a mix of English and Cantonese and random sounds. I wonder what I am trying to express, or if that is even language

20 Sun Giselle Jacques

I dreamt that I was with my family being taken hostage in an airport. The gunman shouted: "What is time? Time is DESTRUCTION, because every step we take forward is a letting go, every step towards the future destroys the past...". Then, in my dream, I woke up and was with my grandson: He asked me - "Grandma, what is time?", I answered: "Time is CREATION, because no matter what has been, there is always something beautiful and new, like you, to come". I woke up and I was actually crying real tears on my pillow.

21 Mon Barbara Cardone

I dreamt to be an abstract element (actually I was the circumference of a square) in an abstract universe. This universe is moving and my geometrical form adapts while falling under the unit ( get smaller, rotate on itself, ..)

22 Tue Shelley Tetz

I am sitting in an empty schoolbus with my sister. The bus is moving and I am driving. She is sitting beside me, on a bench. On the other side of me is an empty space to sit. My sister asks me who that is for. I say I do not know but I am going to make the space very nice and welcoming, exactly as I would like it to be, so that whoever comes will feel very good. I have a sense it is an important person who will come to sit with us.

23 Wed David Thorne

I am on a road, and I see a man trying to drive a van from the back seat. I see the vehical go past and turned to my wife to say I recognise that experience, but the van has passed, and I can't find the words to explain.

24 Thu Jody de Best

I am in a jeep driving in the desert. A big sand storm is coming. I race to close the windows of the jeep before the winds thrust the sand into the closed automobile. I am too late and the oxygen slowly leaves the interior our car that is quickly filled with sand. I wish to be dead. Moments later i feel my heart beat. I feel regret that i am still alive.

25 Fri Francesco


26 Sat Rie Hale

I was swimming in the water and saw my daughter on the other side of the sea - she was swimming towards me but the space between us began to a tunnel narrowing between us. I swam faster and faster to reach her as the tunnel became narrower. It was closing in on both of us and she was crying for me. I woke up. Fortunately.

27 Sun Shu Ting

I was on a kayak, or a float board of some sort, flowing on a stream down to somewhere. It was white water, foaming, turbulant, but I flowed atop without much motion and was in peace. Out of no where, there came a large object, a boat or barg?. I was put underneath it, floating perhaps just 1 m below. It was a lake of rust-colored, orange brown rock and oddly blue deep water. I slided smoothly blow the object and surfaced again above a oval shaped lake. It was beautiful, then I woke.

28 Mon Katha

Ich traeume von einer riesigen Welle, die sich lange am Horizont aufbaut. Ich bin nicht allein, aber mit meiner Sorge um die zerstoererische Kraft der Wassermassen, in meiner Angst bin ich allein. Sturm. Und im Ruecken haben wir eine Mauer, die uns nicht erlaubt zu fliehen. Und die Welle tuermt sich auf und waechst und waechst und waechst und waechst an die 10 Meter hoch und ist dabei wunderschoen, gewaltig, kraeftig. Ich warte auf den Moment, da sie bricht - und wache auf.

29 Tue Flouranda

I was at Mcdonalds when I realised that I was naked. A man came up to me and asked: 'what is the way of the warrior?' Then he swept his cape around himself and turned into a raven and flew away. I draped myself in fries to keep my modesty, embarassed and pondered at what this mysterious figure had said. Suddenly I found myself in a sea of coloured marbles. I was alone. Slowly suffocating, when I heard the call of a raven. It's cry pierced my soul. I screamed, the marbles filled my lungs.

30 Wed Dorian D

Sometimes I dream I can control my dreams, I'm taking pictures with my cell phone to prove everything is fake and it is just a dream. when I wake up, I'm checking my phone and wish the pictures of my dream are inside...

1 Thu Nairi Sahakian

I am flying weightless in an abiss which is an opaque color white. There is no horizon or landbase. Suddenly I enter an invisible tunnel which transmits me forward at a very high speed. Panic sets in and I wake up feeling very grateful.

2 Fri Caroline

When I was a child, I had a dream which returned again and again. I was sleeping in my bed, when suddenly a little golden ball appeared in one corner of my room (opposite of my bed) and started to roll towards me while getting bigger and bigger. Just before it seems to smash me, I woke up.

3 Sat Liz

I was at a dinner party and went to go wash my hands when I realized I was dreaming. I was supposed to go back to the dining room to eat dinner but instead, knowing that I was dreaming, I decided to just run outside, where it was cold and snow was on the ground. Because I knew I was dreaming, I decided to melt the snow by wishing there was fire on the ground. The snow started melting and the temperature started going up and instead of feeling like winter, it like a perfect spring day.

4 Sun Rebecca

I dreamed I was sitting with a man who had stopped speaking to me and he smiled at me and everything that had passed between us was healed, but not through words or speaking. As he smiled at me in the dream I smiled back and I was healed in that dream of the anger and the pain i experienced prior to this dream thinking about him. I did not know that a single smile could heal me..

5 Mon Margaret

I was running through the hallway of a hospital with my mother in my arms. As I ran, she began to crumble in my arms, her limbs falling away like dried leaves. The hallway widened into a yellow field of tall grass. Together we disappeared into it.

6 Tue Taran Tina

Ne pamtim snove. Vrlo često su to samo nadrealni flashevi koji se ne mogu obuhvatiti riječima. Ovaj pamtim danima: šetam gradskim parkom, sumrak je, ima puno ljudi. Osjećam da me netko traži i promatra, i velikom brzinom se zalijeće u mene. Zmija, kobra. Vraća se na svoje mjesto, iza drveta, dosta udaljenog od mjesta gdje stojim, i pokušava opet. Diže se i strelovito cilja prema meni. Uspijevam izbjeći njene napade, i shvatim da je kodirana. Kodirana kobra! Ona pokušava nebrojeno puta, prati svaki moj pokret, i svaki moj pokušaj bježanja i sakrivanja. Odjednom se sve smiri, čekam još neko vrijeme i vidim da je odustala. Iako jako prestrašena,osjećam olakšanje i odlazim, ali odjednom osjetim stezanje u grlu koje se pojačava. Pogledam na svoja rebra i vidim ugriz, otisak dva zuba u modro meso. Ne osjećam paniku već uvjerena kako će sve biti u redu trčim prema Hitnoj pomoći koja je blizu. Ispred stoje dva bolničara koji mi prilaze i koji me tuku sve jače i jače..

7 Wed Teddy Wishart

I used to have a reccuring dream where I was sitting by a pond in a clearing in the woods and everything was still and quiet. Softly I begin to hear the sound of a horse galloping towards from behind the trees, the sound gets louder in intervals until it is deafening and seems to be coming from all sides. I always woke up before it reached me.

8 Thu Dragan Vojvodić

U sobi u polumraku nazire se telo koje leži u lokvi krvi. Pored na stolici sedi moj brat. Pitam ga koga si ubio mamu ili tatu. On odgovara da ne zna značenje reči mama i tata.

9 Fri Angele

Je suis dans une maison que je ne connais pas mais que je reconnais puisqu elle revient souvent dans mes reves, je suis chez moi. Je monte et descends d interminables escaliers, traverse des couloirs, je suis perdu dans ma propre maison

10 Sat Jeffrey Laurence

I was on a suburban train traveling with my girlfriend to Stamford, CT, a 15 minute ride from my home. But instead we arrived in Paris. It was night and the water was of the Seine, not the Connecticut River. And I asked if she were hungry, should I get us some bread and cheese and wine. And she said no, and climbed up a long stone staircase. And she looked down at me, and I thought she looked so beautiful, And I had tears in my eyes.

11 Sun Emily

In my dream I swim at the bottom of a swimming pool. The water is thick, like glue. It is difficult to swim forward. From above people throw coins into the water, there are a lot of them already and they shine and fall very slowly. The people believe it is to absorbe the radioactivity. I suddenly realize that I am swimming in radioactive water and want to get to the surface. It costs a lot of effort, the water is so dense, I get short of air. In the moment I feel I am going to suffocate, I wake up.

12 Mon Joanna's the end of the world (and its beautiful)

13 Tue Pero Mrnarević

Io sogno di camminare in un cunicolo che diventa sempre piu stretto e mi manca l'aria

14 Wed Nina

Ich habe ein Kalb erhalten und da ich mich nicht darum kuemmern konnte, gab ich es einem alten Schulfreund von mir, der Bauer in der Stadt Zuerich war. Dort sollte es leben. Als es erwachsen war, liess er es von einem Stier decken und es bekam wiederum ein Kalb. Ich fragte mich, ob dieses Kalb nun mir oder ihm gehoerte

15 Thu Jan Master

Last night I dreamt of storm clouds that dropped huge pieces of earth, complete with grass (ground cover) back to the ground, pulling it up from the ground and raining it back to the ground.

16 Fri Theresa

I'm running really fast, at the fastest speed I can, towards nowhere

17 Sat Beatrice

I used to dream I was in a supermarket and someone was following me all the time. I walked through the aisles and I always felt this presence behind my shoulders. I never saw anyone, though.

18 Sun Lavinia Rosen

I dreamt of a museum for Tribal Art of three levels that was built like a shopping mall. But when I entered it I realised that most of the exhibition was under construction or the pieces were out of plastic. On one floor children were even celebrating a birthday like at Mc Donalds. I was really disappointed, nothing was like I had expected it. But now that I think of it maybe it was the exhibition of my Tribe - the Western Society.

19 Mon Don Pakey

A grain reaper is seen moving through a large field. But it functions in reverse. As it moves, there is a mowed field in front of the reaper but as it moves the part it has gone over is mature & unmowed.

20 Tue Lidia

Я приехала в незнакомый город на выставку. Она очень большая, в основном висят очень стильные абстракции в духе середины ХХ века, когда абстракция сходила на нет. Были и синие полотна а-ля Кляйн, например. И вот я долго хожу по залам, уходить не хочу: мне предстоит долгий путь по пересечённой местности к каким-то дальним родственникам. Познакомилась с блёклой девушкой, она оказалась журналисткой и ко всем приставала с вопросами. Она тоже задержалась до закрытия и ходила всё рядом с одной из выставленных художниц: высокая женщина с чёрным каре и красными губами, ну всё как надо, в общем. Галерист подходит к нам с просьбой помочь выключить свет в залах, мы начинаем потихоньку. Пока выключают свет, я понимаю, что залов намного больше, чем я думала. Одна из работ представляла собой чёрное углубление в стене примерно 1х1,5 м, там "на горизонте" мелькал точечный свет, как колючие звёзды, звук был космический, напоминал морзянку. Постепенно я погружалась в это пространство и начала быстро моргать и пальцами отстукивать эту морзянку. И вдруг очень плавно там начался, как рассвет, какой-то документальный фильм о художнике типа А. Мухи. Ещё я читаю про то, что какой-то гормон вызывает усиленную бодрость, но людям нужно уменьшать его долю в себе, а вот шоколад с орехами увеличивают его долю и их нужно избегать. Где-то между всем этим выясняется, что одна из картин заминирована и скоро бабахнет. Но я пропускаю это мимо ушей. Объявляется какой-то автор серии портретов, который то ли хочет, чтобы свет над его работами выключали, то ли нет, и я просто-напросто не могу найти выключатель в этих залах. Потом мы собираемся в холле все вместе (журналистка, художница, художник, галеристы, охранник) и листаем что-то в поисках выключателей. Обстановка вечерне-напряжённая. И вот тут начинается самое интересное: художница говорит мне, мол, а ты в курсе, что одна из картин заминирована? Я говорю, что знаю. Она спрашивает: "Так что ты не хочешь отсюда уходить?" И в моей голове начинает вертеться: я что, так сильно хочу умереть? Нет, картину заминировала не я! Мне казалось, что художница подозревает меня. И вот она говорит: "Мы сейчас всё узнаем, когда я вколю тебе это лекарство". Игла резко входит в мою руку, по телу разбегается кровь, всё начинает пульсировать, меня - колотить. Я понимаю, что это проверка: насколько сильно я боюсь. Сейчас, от этого лекарства, всё то, что я усердно загоняла в недра своей головы, вылезет наружу и все чувства, которые я глушила, будут мною испытаны. Я ждала самой страшной боли. И в последний момент на стене передо мной на круглом кусочке багета проступает красная краска. Он обведён ею по краю и в центре написано: "Аптека".

21 Wed Pierre

Un reve... recurrent Poursuivi par des tensions: junte vietnamienne, crocodiles de meche avec les concierges, vide infernal. Courir pour fuir toujours-paranoia ou reel danger, je crois plutot. Et a la fin je retombe sur mes pattes, ou je me reveille.

22 Thu John

A polar bear nuzzles me and I wake up. This is a repeating dream

23 Fri Jacqueline

I am surrounded by darkness. Lines of neon white light glide overhead and the earth sticks to my feet. Eveything moves too slow.

24 Sat Sabine

Ich hab getraeumt mein Sohn, 20, ist gestrorben. Ich hab mich nicht besonders beunruhigt oder war erschrocken. Er ist unspektakulaer gestorben. Und ich sagte zu meiner Mutter guck mal, er ist schon einen Tag tod. Und es ist gar nicht so schlimm. Und dann stand er ploetzlich wieder im Zimmer und sagte: Mama schmierst du mir wieder Brote zum mitnehmen. Ich muss doch in die Schule. Und er nahm mich in den Arm.

25 Sun Antonella Anselmo

I am in a very big house. Many rooms, some rooms are behind the walls and I have to move the forniture to introduce myself in those hidden rooms. I find a hidden room under the roof. This room is full of old tables and chairs, the room is dark. Then I see a closed window on the left side, I open the window and suddenly the sun come in, now ist the room full of light. I think that in the future this will be my private room.

26 Mon Bruno D.

I was driving a car through the night on a rainy wet road. Next to me, on a passenger seat, was a tinder date I have been matched with. At one point I felt sleepy. The car tilted and started spinning fast in a clockwise direction while still moving forward. When I reacted and successfully straighten the car from spinning I realized we were flying down the cliff. The car started hitting the cliff and rolling down, breaking the window in a moment when I grabbed the root of the tree and stopped the motion of the car. Thought to myself I have saved us until my hand slipped from the root. Thought to myself at that moment: "oh well... f*ck it..."

27 Tue Nina Ngna

In a very vivid dream, while laying horizontally I saw a red bloody face (it seemed like the face was on top of mine, I could feel it's stinky breath...) Had no expression, or eyes, or nose, or ears, or anything that would make it human-like face... So, I couldn't move, but was not scared. The face was pretty much grotesque looking, like in some typical, cliche horror movie- scary. We glared at each other for quite some time... In a 'blink' he took a regular toothpick, brown and small only the irregular thing was that the toothpick had been wrapped around the middle with thick layers of scotch tape. The face slowly started spinning it while whispering the words, something like: "Do you think this is a dream?" and some other messages i don't remember, but it was something like; do what you think is best for yourself just don't touch this toothpick. I started to feel more and more tense and tried to move any part of my body, started sweating etc., then I finally could shout, really loud... I couldn't wake up, like it was holding onto me..

28 Wed P.G.

I was staying on a hill with a lot of apple trees and suddenly all the apples fell down in the same moment and were rolling like an avalanche down the hill.

29 Thu Maren Moormann

When I was a youth, I dreamt one night I walked up a narrow and dark staircase. It went around in a long bow, and there was a light coming from the top of the stairs. When I got up there, it was no room, but just a very warm and loving light, like I was IN God or something. I have never dreamt anything like that again.....unfortunately.

30 Fri Anne Delaplace

I dreamt I had no voice

31 Sat Klaus Ladegast

Ich bin in einer Pferdekoppel und will ueber den Zaun steigen, der aus Maschendraht besteht. Ich verhake mich in dem Zaum und versuche, herauszukommen, dabei gerate ich immer mehr in den Draht hinein und werde so selbst ein Teil des Zaunes, den ich eigentlich ueberwinden will. Ich haende waagerecht im Zaun, meine Bemuehungen, frei zu kommen werden immer verzweifelter.Ein Pferd schlaegt mit einem Vorderhuf in den Draht. Ich krieche im Zaun muehsam weiter,bis ich zu dem kleinen Loch komme. Es dauert lande bis ich es zu einem grossen Loch erweitert habe, durch das ich mich zwaengen kann. Mit einem Gefuahl gewonner Freiheit wache ich auf. Offensichtlich habe ich mit Hilfe des Perdes ein Schlupfloch gefunden!

1 Sun Giovia Sildanir

Un crocifisso. Dietro un vetrina il cui vetro era bucato, come quello che separa il carcerato dal parente venuto a trovarlo. Il crocifisso alza le braccia e scompare. Dietro una vetrina piu grande compare Gesu con il quale inizio una conversazione piuttosto quotidiana. E' un tipo alla mano: sandali, jeans strappati e camicetta. Uno di quei tipi che trovi dietro le bancarelle dei festival rock, per capirci. Una signorina interrompe la nostra chiacchierata, sbraitando che doveva allestire la vetrina e, sgarbatamente, dice a Gesu' che deve spostarsi da li'. Lui obbedisce senza fiatare. Cosi' gli chiedo: "Ma caspita, perche' non l'hai mandata a quel paese? Perche' non le hai risposto tu non sai chi sono io?

2 Mon Siying Zhou

I dreamt that I kept failing to wake up on time to make the 915am appointment with my colleague. I dreamt that I had had got up, dressed, walked on the street, then seconds after I was still lying on my bed. I repeated this dream again and again until I truely woke up.

3 Tue Ana Petrović

Nalazim se u velikom kompleksu zgrada, na ogromnom, nepreglednom području. Zgrade su velike, udaljene jedne od drugih. Magla je, zgrade se jedva vide. Negdje u blizini je morska obala, osjeti se morski zrak i čuje se poneki usamljeni galeb. Zgrade izgledaju istrošeno, kao da su iz socijalističkih vremena. Unutar jedne od njih (polufunkcionalne škole) Mitrov (umjetnik) imao je aukciju svojih radova, koju je vodio njegov menadžera . Aukcija je prošla izvrsno, svi su se radovi prodali. Meni je ostavio jedno malo platno, no nije mi ga mogao dati, već prodati za simboličnu cijenu od 271 kn. Kako nisam imala novca, odugovlačila sam sa plaćanjem rada. Rekao mi je da će ga ostaviti još malo i nastavio sa pakiranjem svih ostalih prodanih radova. Zatim sam srela sam Rismonda (moj bivši profesor povijesti umjetnosti). Šetali smo van škole, po magli a on nije prestajao pričati neke dosadne priče o umjetnosti. Brzo sam našla izgovor da se vratim u školu. Na ulasku sam srela Sušca i Kraškovića (umjetnici). U predvorju je bila gomila ljudi koje do tada nikada nisam vidjela. Suščeva sestra se udavala. U jednom trenutku mi je on nešto rekao, no kako ga nisam razumjela ignorirala sam ga. Zbog toga me neka žena sa strane počinje napadati kako sam nepristojna što ne želim pomoći slagati stolice. Rekla sam joj da samo nisam razumjela i počela lijeno slagati stolice. Vrlo brzo mi je to dojadilo pa sam odlučila otići u školsku dvoranu, jedinu prostoriju u školi koja je bila u fukciji. Htjela sam ući u WC ali vrata su bila zaključana. Primijetila sam nešto čudno - na vratima WC-a je bio natpis: „Pazi oštar pas!“ Provalila sam unutra. Nije bilo nikakvog psa, samo grobna tišina. Zastor od tuša prekrivao je kadu. Polagano sam ga povukla. U kadi punoj vode i krvi nalazio se leš muškarca. Istrčala sam van što sam brže mogla, i rekla svima oko sebe što sam vidjela. Nitko se nije usudio ući i pogledati. Pozvali smo policiju. Sumnja je pala na domara kao ubojicu. Kada je konačno došao detektivski tim, pozvali su me u svoju kamp kućicu kao svjedoka. Pružila sam im ruku i tada sam se probudila.

4 Wed Matilda McNair

I dreamed that my greatest friend and I lived together in a playground of perilous obstacles and dangerous games, we invited friends to play, occasionally they would die - but in the nature of the dream it did not matter, it was just a part of life. We delved into whatever we wanted or desired. I knew everything about my best friend, her favourite coul, her memories, toys, thought, her habits and secrets. And when I awoke, she was not real. My dearest, my closest did not exist. I discovered this as I went to tell her about my dream, only to find she was not in my contacts. I had never seen her in reality and had no record of her. It was a wonderful dream.

5 Thu Pragya Tiwari

I am in an elevator- the one that goes up to my parents home in Calcutta, the home I grew up in. I am going up and ready to get off on the 11th floor but the elevator does not stop. It keeps going up, it gets dark, then I can see the sky but I cannot see where it is going. I am scared it might free fall but it just keeps shooting up, it is rickety and it's speed is increasing. At some point I see an unrecognizable floor and I think it might stop there but it does not. Soon I am so desperate to make it stop I start to wish it crashes. I've never seen the end of this dream.

6 Fri Lakrizia Baerendreck

I suddenly find myself sitting on a cloud. A small cloud in the middle of a very dark universere. I can look around me - floating on my tiny, wobbly cloud - and see lots and lots of stars around me. I feel uncomfortobale, as the cloud is not stable. Then I realise that one of my best friends is actually sitting right next to me and thus I know that I have just taken magic mushrooms, and that all I am seeing right now does not have to be scary at all, but, instead, simply: AMAZING. I dig into the complete thrill of the darkness filled with twinkling stars. I can glance into unimaginable distances. It is a sublime feeling. Then the moon happens to pass right next to our little cloud. I give it a squeeze. It feels just like a soft ball. The moon passes on. And I wake up, knowing that I have been blessed to go on that trip.

7 Sat Theresa

I'm running really fast, at the fastest speed I can, towards nowhere

8 Sun Boram

Sometimes, I dreamed that I stand in middle of milliard persons. I felt very cold and afraid. But suddenly I started to beat and to eat someone. regarding this situation in my dream, I felt the catharsis.

9 Mon Alex Housen

I find myself in an unknown city, always in company (sometimes in the company of people I know, sometimes unknown people). We know that some enormous, threathening beast is coming and that we have to run from it. We start running though we also know that it is futile, that the beast will come nearer and that it will catch (up with) us. Although I run and feel increasingly anxious or excited as we run, I somehow also feel calm and unafraid, as if I have accepted the inevitability of the beast catching (up with) us (and probably that the outcome will not be as horrific as we dread. "Probably", because I always wake up (just) before "it" catches up with us..

10 Tue Dana

We have bought a new house. It's 1970s modern. It's big and open. We are told that it turns out the foundation is oddly not touching the ground properly. It's going to take a lot of work to fix, but I decide not to worry about it, to just fix it and move forward. We have a meeting about it at a round table.

11 Wed Colin

I was standing in a wide hall. The kind of hall in which you're supposed to take supper and meet, in a high school. But it wasn't necessarly my high school. The light was dark, the walls were blue. Suddenly, it was\'t a hall any more. Rather kind of a changing room. There, I met Clare Danes, the actress from "Romeo and Juliet". She was naked. I understand my task is to prevent her from committing suicide. She starts banging her head against the blue walls, and screaming. I try to save her, but she's too committed into her action. I woke up.

12 Thu Stella

I always dream that I am in peace whith a person that went way of my life a long time ago.

13 Fri Pamela M. Heller

I am in Arlington national cemetery looking for the grave of Bobby Kennedy when I spot a sign in the shape of a palette mounted on an awning. The palette is covered with pistachio colored thick paint that looks like frosting. The sign says: "Artists Corner. This way to Donald Judd."

14 Sat Brenda

I had this dream when I was in year 5. I was locked outside an mansion. Standing outside the gate, I realized I was on top of a cliff. I remembered the only way to wake up from a dream is to kill youself. So I jumped off the cliff. It was a loop, I just keep jumping and jumping....

15 Sun John

A polar bear nuzzles me and I wake up. This is a repeating dream

16 Mon Greg

Je suis dans une grande maison avec de nombeuses pieces, je monte sur le toit et je sais que je peux voler ; plein de confiance je me lance dans le vide. arrive en bas... je ne vole pas. Sans gravite je remonte et recommence ; juste avant de toucher le sol, cette fois ci, je parviens a voler et pars me promener dans le ciel. Tout est normal

17 Tue Eliza May

I had been walking, with a girl whose face i never saw. We passed a pond surrounded by a cobbled stone circle. My brother and his boyfriend were swimming and beckoned me to join them. The girl ran past me and jumped in. I followed her and dived in. When I emerged, I was in a stone circle pond, parallel to the one in which my brother was swimming in. My hand broke through the water first, and in it was the Qu,ran. I am an agnostic Australian. Needless to say, this was a dream that struck me as one to remember.

18 Wed Marijana

Bicikl me vozi nizbrdo niz ulicu popločanu žućkastosivim kamenim kockama. Sigurna sam da bicikl vozi mene, a ne ja njega. Znam da ne znam voziti bicikl. Jurimo, moj bicikl i ja na njemu, a strmina je sve veća. Drndamo se po kockama. Ja ništa ne radim. Što da radim? Hoću li vriskati? A što, ako vrisnem, hoće li me itko čuti? Ako me i čuje, kako bi mi uopće mogao pomoći. Vruće je ljetno popodne, valjda svi spavaju jer ne čuje se ništa. Samo tandrkanje kotača niz pustu zlaćanu ulicu. Nigdje nikoga. Čuje se samo moje disanje i srce svoje čujem kako lupa. Strah me je sve više. Strmina je sve jača. Ali idemo. Na kraju ulice je mala kamena ograda, a iza nje more. Izgleda dobro, toplo i mirno

19 Thu Moses Luski

I woke up dreaming of a cross. All flooded in white light. I want a painting to make, repeating certain words, over and over, white over the white paint over the white paint, centered on red cross, dripping with red, made of words, croce, croce, croce, croce. All is well, all is well, I know all is well.....

20 Fri Bea

I dreamd a was sitting on a great round table, eating the best choclate cake I ever tasted. Is was in company of my ex boyfriend and his family, and other unknown people. The chocolate cake was so nice, i wanted to share the ffeling of eating it with everyone, but everyone seems really absend. I could not look my ex boyfriend in the eyes. I eat the cake in quiteness.

21 Sat Dirk Koppes

I was talking with a friend, we both lost our jobs a few months ago. She is a smooth operator, so in this dream she told me she already had so many freelance offers, she didnt know what to do.I felt jealous and ashamed of fealing jealous. She has family and 2 kids and really needs the money. Afterwards we made a wolk in a foggy surrounding. Lots of mist. We lost sight of each other and i fell in a abyss.

22 Sun Elena Del Prete

Sono figlia unica. Una volta ho fatto un sogno davvero strano, in cui avevo una sorella. La cercavo, la chiamavamo, sia io che i miei genitori, ma non era in casa. Eppure esisteva..Mi sono svegliata di soprassalto e per un attimo ho avuto la convinzione che questa sorella esistesse. Poi mi sono ricordata di essere figlia unica

23 Mon B.K.

San o djedu u pothodniku Zapruđe―Utrine U neodređeno doba dana spuštam se u pothodnik Zapruđe―Utrine, često mjesto radnje mojih snova. Vlada velika, neuobičajena gužva ― inače su tamo stalno samo postolar i proizvođač ključeva, švercer robe i kišobrana, prodavač lažnih afričkih skulptura i prosjak ili svirač s repertoarom od Indexa do Đavola... Sada, neprekidna vreva. Čovjek na čovjeku. Žamor, guranje, psovke. Kakofonija glasova u predvorju podzemlja. K tome, svi stoje, zapravo jedni na drugima, nitko se ne kreće i nikuda ne ide, svi samo stoje kao da nervozno nešto iščekuju, a ipak, izlazi su na svim stranama svijeta ― vide se nebo, oblaci, poneka ptica. Ispod svega toga, spazim Ejlu kako naslonjena na zid čita subotnje novine. Sjetio sam se da sam prije dvije godine, kad je otišao djed, pobjegao baš na njen rođendanski tulum pod Medvednicom. Radost i bol u jednom dahu. Probijam se do nje, ne bez muke... Veseli pozdravi, razgovor o novostima i filmovima. Odjednom, osjetim djedovo prisustvo, poput stranog tijela koje se stapa s mojim tako što me preplavljuje elektromagnetskim valovima visokog intenziteta. Ejla primjećuje da mi se događa nešto čudno. U vidokrug mi ulazi djed nalazeći se također nedaleko od mene, ali okružen ljudima koji mu starom i slabom ne daju proći, pa samo tiho gleda prema meni, želi da doživim svih njegovih 96 godina u istom trenutku, da shvatim simboliku izborenog broja, da obrnem priču i uvidim kako je njegova smrt bila u znaku mog rođenja, obilježena simbolom raka. Spontano upitam Ejlu, koja nikad nije upoznala mog djeda, niti zna kako je izgledao, niti sam s njom ikad razgovarao o njemu; dakle, pitam ju: "Kada me pogledaš u oči, koga vidiš?", a ona spremno odgovara: "Njega!". Bio je to prvi put što sam ga sanjao otkako se oprostio

24 Tue ayt

Već sam negdje u nekom nepoznatom prostoru, kao neki javni prostor, ali ima i sobe za spavanje, nekoliko njih, a to ću kasnije saznati. Hotel, a nije hotel, djeluje socijalistički, zidovi sa oker cvjetnim uzorkom tapete, soba do sobe pa sam u jednom trenutku pogriješio sobu ušavši nekome drugome. Očito da znam tko je tamo, ali svejedno je bilo nezgodno što sam pogriješio sobu. Dva su kreveta bila prazna, baš je se neko ustao iz njih, a u jednom je neko spavao prekriven preko glave. Ispričam se: pardon, pardon i brzo odem u svoju sobu pored. Radni polumračan prostor, dosta velik. Tu ja radim na izradi scene, odnosno scenske kutije koja je veličine većeg televizora. Baš i podsjeća oblikom na veliki televizor. Kutija je kartonska, ali vrlo solidne građe i boje je kartona. Sve sam već napravio i sad samo nešto ispitujem, provjeravam. Upravo shvatim da je to scena za ginjol lutke koje su dovoljno male da će stati u kutiju. Razmišljam o tome kako će glumci moći animirati lutke. Ali moram smisliti kao će se mijenjati scenografija. Sve se mora odvijati s donje strane kutije, otvorit ću rupu, evo ga, to je već otvoreno, i sad rješavam način kako ću organizirati prostor oko kutije. Mora ostati vidljivo da je to samostalni objekt, a opet moram sakriti izvođače. Motaju mi se mali crni paravani i zastori ispod kutije, vidim da su i sa strane, moći će to tako. Cijelo vrijeme scenu gledam kroz mali horizontalni otvor na prednjoj strani kutije.Ta ploča nije fiksirana, vidi se svjetlo po rubovima, labavo je naslonjena na kutiju, pokriva cijelu stranicu i ima otvor. Iznutra kutija svijetli. Ali onda shvatim, to je predstava samo za jednu osobu. Kolebam se i već brojim sjedalice: jedan, dva, tri, četiri i možda pet u prvom redu, šest do sedam u drugom i tako u trećem. Stolice su postavljene i već sjedim u prvom redu, malo desno nekih šezdeset, sedamdeset centimetara od kutije, pružim ruku da izmjerim, tu je negdje. Zaključujem, publici će biti jako efektno biti tako blizu sceni, gledati sve detalje koje ja sada vidim. Baš je dobro kako iz kutije isijava svjetlo. Zaključujem da će biti problem osvijetliti scenu izvana, vanjskim reflektorom. Na ruci vidim duga crna rukavicu bez prstiju. I vidim lutku na ruci. Lutka je shematska, geometrizirana i razmišljam kako ću ju dovršiti s obzirom na oblik i izgled scene. Nema glavu već samo komadić papira s nekim detaljima lica kao maska koja mi je na vrh kažiprsta. Tijelo lutke je jednostavno, trokutasto, jedan vrh je jako izdužen u stranu, od smeđeg je filca, nisam baš zadovoljan, još to treba doraditi. Mislim da će jedan glumac moći raditi s obje ruke. Ali kako ću mijenjati scenografiju, kako to izvesti, i vidim rješenje: brdo u dva je dijela nabodeno na vrhove šipki ulazi s donje strane kroz otvor kutije,i nekako namjerno dijelovi lelujaju kao kad potres pomiče neke mase, na koncu se slože i umire. Zaključim da je to dobro. Sad su ispred mene neobični printovi, na papiru s paternom s nekakvim nerazumljivim većim detaljem oko sredine. Papiri kao da su plastificirani, savitljivi, ali žilavi. Po veličini odgovaraju pozadini kutije. Jedan je već postavljen na stražnju stranicu kutije, širi je od zida, konkavno je postavljen što je dobro. Pregledam prema dolje, na stolu je hrpa takvih papira, većih, manjih do nekih sasvim malih koji su, zaključim, lutkini rekvizite. Neki izgledaju kao otvoreni japanski rotulusi samo s latiničnim pismom, neki skenirani novinski tekst male rezolucije pa jako uvećan te je zamućen i ne vidim pročitati tekst. Jako je to sve malo i ima toga dosta, cijela hrpa. Probam uzeti jednom rukom, ne mogu, ispadaju mi. Sad je režiser tu pored mene, mota se i nešto samo onako usput pogleda, sjedne ispred kutije, gleda, po reakciji vidim dobro će biti. Računam datume, imamo još deset dana do premijere.

25 Wed Beral Madra

A city which looks like a collage of cities I visited since 30 years. Walking and trying to reach a space, which I have to be. It is difficult because of lack of knowledge how to go there. At the endIi see some familiar faces, I feel relieved and wake up!

26 Thu Basak Senova

I saw a dream in which the colours were all reddish and saturated. I was in an abandoned warehouse, surrounded by friends, trying to build a tank. This tank would be the most effective apparatus to protect protestors and public from the police forces and especially from TOMAs (Turkish Riot Control Vehicles). Furthermore, this tank was totally powered by steam. We were all talking about the design assets of this beautiful object. It was designed to deactivate pepper gas, acid mixed water, and even plastic bullets. Still, it didn\'t have any weapons on it; the only function was to defend. After we did some more adjustments on the surface of the tank, I jumped into it. The inside of the tank was quite narrow. I saw the display unit, the interface was in Cyrillic. Then, I noticed a small box, set by this unit. When I opened the box, I found a bright, beautiful, tiny ladybug. I woke up.

27 Fri Anita Sulimanović

Vrijeme je rata. Zagreb je netom bombardiran. Bježim sa sestrom u Zagorje. Na selu bismo trebale biti sigurne, ali umjesto poznatog pejzaža, na kraju prašnjave ceste dočeka nas siva pustopoljina orgađena bodljikavom žicom – zarobljenički kamp. Premda je nekoliko vojnika neprijateljske vojske već spazilo naše vozilo, pod nepoznatim okolnostima uspijem pobjeći te nakon dugog trčanja iznemogla zaspem na rubu šume.Budim se. Dok ustajem sa zemlje te otresam sa sebe blato i travu, otkrijem da mi je sa stražnje polovice tijela skinuta koža ali ispod nisu organi i meko tkivo već metal, čipovi i žice. Izgledam kao rashodovani robot iz Spielbergovog filma “Artificial Intelligence”. Dok se pokušavam sabrati, shvatim da su neke od žica koje vire iz mene spojene u zemlju, koja na mjestu gdje sam ležala ima oblik preoranog pravokutnika usred travnate površine. Izgleda kao da je netko započeo kopati grob.Dok prednjim, organskim dijelom tijela osjećam kako ne mogu zakoračiti, jer me žice spojene sa zemljom zatežu i probadaju, jedna od žica se otrgne i u tom trenu se probudim. Poluutrnulom rukom ispod sebe napipam komad žice od koje sam sinoć do sitnih sati pravila skulpturu. (san iz 1994.)

28 Sat Kristina

I was traveling to the city of Varaždin when I realized I was on the wrong bus and needed to catch another one. When I came down of the bus and waited for the other bus to take me where I needed to go, all of a sudden an apocalypse began to manifest it\'s self. The earth was shaking and everything was collapsing. I ran to the nearest bus station and met a friend and a little boy. We decided to go to Varaždin, something was rather important there, so we continued by foot. On our way there some twin brothers met us and one of them wanted to rape me. I convinced him that he should not however his brother told me to come closer. As I was approaching he pulled a gun out and shot me in my forehead. Then I woke up in a psychiatric hospital out of a hypnosis and there was a doctor wearing a white hospital uniform surrounded with other hospital staff telling me that this was the result of me not solving my problems on time.

29 Sun LJu Anđelković

Sjedim u restoranu nasuprot nebodera u kojem je moj stan, sva moja imovina, život i uspomene. Nakon ručka pijem svoju kavu, mislim svoje misli, uživam. Sama sa sobom. Potres je, ali djeluje slab, i ne zamaram se, neće mi jedan potres pokvariti savršen trenutak. Sve zgrade su mirne, ali moja se počinje ljuljati, kao trstika na vjetru. No, ja znam da je taj neboder najsigurniji u gradu, sagradila ga je vojska. Ipak, ljulja se sve jače i jače i najednom se prelomi i uruši. Moje obitavalište završi u prašini. Da ne bi slučajno štogod ostalo, odradimo i jedan požar. Ljudi okolo trče, u šoku su, viču sve je izgubljeno, dolaze vatrogasci, hitne, ograđuje se prostor, iskopavaju se preostale stvari koje nisu uništene, srećom nema mrtvih, dolaze beskućnici da se ogrebu za koji komad…ja se malo prošetam, i shvatim da mi s ne da sad dokazivati koje su moje stvari a i da me baš briga hoće li sad netko uzeti nešto što je moje, da im ostavljam i sva pisma, bilješke i bilježnice, ma i zlato ako ga nađu, da moram smisliti gdje ću tu noć prespavati al mogu i na klupi, da moram shvatiti i razmišljati kako je to sad nešto strašno i da nemam više ništa - al svejedno me to nekako zabavlja, gotovo veseli ….I vratim se u restoran, za svoj stol, promotrim još malo cijelu tu apokalipsu pred sobom, uzmem još gutljaj kave i kažem naglas: “E, odlično. Baš dobro.”

30 Mon Tijana Mihailović

A dream: I'm in a forest, everything around me radiates a bluish light; I kneel on very soft and warm ground, I can feel my feet slowly sinking into that clay; I look at the ground in front of me and there is an opening under a huge white wall; the opening is filled with water; it's deep and clear and the wall is covered with ivy; through the water, on the other side, I see how rays of daylight penetrate the water; I jump into it with my eyes closed; the water engulfs my body and when I open my eyes I'm again on the same side of the wall, kneeling; I push myself forward, towards the water and I dive in again with my eyes closed; it seems to take a long time; when I open my eyes, everything is repeated: I kneel, the wall is in front of me, I close my eyes, I get into the water, I dive, I open my eyes, I close my eyes, I jump into the water... I repeat it all until I wake up.

1 Tue Melita Džinev

Prvi san kojeg se sjećam označio je čitav moj život i usmjerio moje razmišljanje u jednom pravcu. Tko ili što stvara ovaj pojavni svijet, kako i zašto. Imala sam oko četiri godine. Spavala sam poslijepodne u dječijem krevetu. Odjednom se na zidu u sobi otvorila rupa iz koje su izlazile posude svih oblika boja i veličina. U povorci jedna iza druge, prelazila su preko sobe i nestajale u rupi na suprotnome zidu. Nisu imale poklopce, pa sam vidjela da su pune zemlje, pijeska. Lonci, lončići, šalice, rajnglice. čajnici, zdjele za juhu. Sve posude koje sam u svom kratkom životu vidjela. Jedna, plitka crvena ranglica puna zemlje imala je zabodenu i crvenu zastavicu, koja je veselo lepršala. Bilo je veselo i zabavno. Kad je nestala posljednja posuda, ja sam se rasplakala. Mama je došla u sobu da vidi zašto plačem - 'Hoću još gledati lončiće'- 'kakve lončiće?'. Ispričala sam što sam vidjela. Rupa na zidovima nije bilo i nisam ih mogla pokazati. 'To si sanjala'-rekla je mama, -'što je san'-'to je kad spavaš i vidiš ono što ne postoji!'- 'kako mogu vidjeti nešto što ne postoji?'. Nije mi još i danas jasno. Simboli.

2 Wed Tatiana Bezjak

Nisam baš skroz svjesna da sanjam, ali znam da mogu nemoguće; želim znati kako je nekom kad je sa mnom, kako me vidi, i dupliram sebe da bih mogla promatrati sebe iz pozicije drugoga. Muškarac sam kao poduplana ja, a ona druga ja - ženska, ne zna za tu vlastitu umnoženost. Gledam sebe ženu, pitam se da li se sviđam sebi, pitam se što me smeta. Ne stižem daleko jer već je na redu slijedeća scena. Scena intimnosti sa samom sobom - nemam iskustva kao muškarac i ne ide mi. Fijasko. Sad se bojim da sam razočarala svoju žensku sebe. Ona je nježna i obzirna, ne pokazuje ništa, pravi se da je sve u redu, ono kao da me ne povrijedi, ali ja u nijansama osjećam da mi uzmiče. Na kraju se nisam ni stigla baš puno promatrati, težište se prebacilo na promatranje sebe muškarca u strahu da ne razočara sebe ženu.

3 Thu Sophia Apostolou

I was running to catch a bus. I went in grasping for air and stopped at the steps. My father was there, smiling. He wore his coat. We hugged and kissed. We did't say anything, just that. I had this dream a few days after my father's funeral. The coat he wore was still hanging in my parent's room)

4 Fri Manishma

Сон о моем преподавателе древнегреческого, с которым мы обсуждаем слово "аэротический" - я рассказываю ему историю про знакомую в Киеве, которая использовала это слово про все предметы вокруг: сильный дождь, длинную очередь, страну, в которой она живет. A dream about my teacher of Old Greek: we discuss strange words and I'm telling him a (real) story about a woman we met in Kiev, who used a word "aerotic" for every good or strong thing: strong rain, long waiting time, the land she is living in.

5 Sat Ludovic Furnar

Es un suenyo recurrente. Una ciudad a la que siempre vuelvo en suenyos y que conozco muy bien. Se adonde ir, donde esta la estacion de trenes, donde el camino que lleva a casa de mi prima. A veces descubro un barrio nuevo o reconozco un edificio que vi antes, en otro suenyo. No es una pesadilla, pueden suceder hechos diversos. Una vez entre al patio, al gran patio de una clinica, el suelo estaba reseco y jirones de telas se desplazaban llevados por el viento. Los arboles estaban secos.

6 Sun Teddy Wishart

I used to have a reccuring dream where I was sitting by a pond in a clearing in the woods and everything was still and quiet. Softly I begin to hear the sound of a horse galloping towards from behind the trees, the sound gets louder in intervals until it is deafening and seems to be coming from all sides. I always woke up before it reached me.

7 Mon Vered Engelhard

I dreamt I was in a strange place: a combination between jerusalem's old city and some island in greece (where I have never been) and I was walking around in this multi-leveled town. floors made out of rock. In the middle of the night. I stumbled upon this kind of communal space, a public space, a kind of lobby which consisted in two parts - one indoors and one outdoors. Then I realised i was dreaming. I tried to regulate the light (since it was in the middle of the night) turning it on and off with my mind. Then suddenly people start all looking at me, and I get intimidated. Somehow I feel threatened. So I crawl into this rock which was in the outdoor part, it was half a sphere, and I try to imagine myself somewhere else. I was so scared I made myself wake up..

8 Tue Jules Jones

I was at work and was surprised to see that David Hasselhoff was running around my offices without any clothes on. I entered the lift on my floor and he followed me in. I looked him up and down and said "What's with all the nakedness, David?".

9 Wed Tanya White

There is a young girl with me.She travels wherever I am in this dream.I know by day she cannot speak, or chooses not to. But in this dream she is communicating with words and is following everyones thoughts, becoming each and everyone.She is able to be in this other world without effort.She tells me it is good.She speaks with her watchful eyes that she feels free.

10 Thu Jadranka Petrak

Prostori snova su uglavnom isti i uvijek treba negdje sići ili se popeti. Nije lako, jer stube nestaju, padina biva zaleđena, ulice završavaju ni u čemu, trgovi su prazni, nema se kamo otići, mostovi odjednom prelaze u vodu. I to - moram učiniti. Polako ušetati u vodu, mirna

11 Fri Jess

I was in a place both familiar and foreign, at first alone. Immediate family members started appearing, including my deceased brother, a surprising and welcome sight. As with the nature of dreams, the exact chronology of events is nearly impossible to recall when awake, but danger arose quite suddenly causing immense panic in all of us. As the protagonist of the dream, though it was myself watching this dream of myself unfold, it was my responsibilty to bring my family to safety. This sense of urgency was uncomfortably palpable and real, and the need to escape overpowered my dreamstate. I subsequently woke up.

12 Sat Edward

I was running away from a huge crowd of people. They all wanted to attack me and as I ran I got tired. Periodically I would stop and turn and fight and kill some of the people but there were always more coming so I would turn and run again. The dream continues, sometimes for longer, sometimes for shorter periods, always I am running, always I am fighting and killing and always there are innumerable people pursuing me.

13 Sun Sergio

Two nights ago, I was sleeping so deeply. And waked up to take some water, iIwas completly dry. Exactly when I was drinking the cold water the last dream came over to me. I was in one new place with my father. He was searching some hollywood film and he started to talk on english...was really strange , because we usually only speak in spanish...however. I recommended to search this film on one website...was a nice moment. I miss him.

14 Mon Richard


15 Tue Rie Hale

I was swimming in the water and saw my daughter on the other side of the sea - she was swimming towards me but the space between us began to a tunnel narrowing between us. I swam faster and faster to reach her as the tunnel became narrower. It was closing in on both of us and she was crying for me. I woke up. Fortunately.

16 Wed Pilar

Sempre sonho que estou acompanhando a cabiria e os artistas circences, na ultima cena do filme. Tenho uma sensacao muito forte de que sou sua cumplice e, em geral, acordo no momento em que sorrimos as duas, juntas.

17 Thu Dylan B. Harper

That I broke into somebodies house, went down into their basement, smashed open their safe and destroyed all of their Apple products e.g Ipad, Iphone ETC

18 Fri Radek

I dreamt that i was in my grandmas house when the nuclear bomb was to be dropped. We had just few moments to decide, whether to stay in the kitchen or go to the bathroom, runnig out seemed pointless. but there was a strange calm in that situation. And my grandmas house was beautiful, and the flash of light, when the bomb reached the ground was beautiful, and all the colors changing around when the disctracting power was heading towards us... it looked like in a movie.

19 Sat Luise

I sometimes dream about being naked in really public situations, like on Oxford Street in London, at Kotti in Berlin, at Marienplatz in Munich. Those are places I lived in and the vulnerability that comes with the dream is really scary.

20 Sun Irene Zatti

I was in a really weird pleace. There were huge waterfalls, lakes, geeks, rivers. It was a place full of water. It was me and some friends of mine. They were feeling brave, fearless. We were holding on some really ancient ruines made of stones and clay, like some old Roman piece of architecture. Suddenly, they start to jump and go with the flow, letterally, and fall from a high of almost 100 meters. I was so scared, because those ancient ruines were breaking apart, and I wasn't willing to jump, and there was also this really weird roller coaster that, everytime it passed nearby, was making everything shake. I woke up feeling so alone, in my fear, and so weak.

21 Mon Aaron G

Two bare hands appear in the middle of the pitch black darkness that surrounds my mind. They start to move and draw the air, and I start to get hypnotized by those elegant movements. My mind is strong though, I do not get caught in that dangerous dance. Rather, I ask to be taught the way of the hands. I am now able to understand that also this will be my way. Bruce Lee is within me.

22 Tue Selima

I am in a house I know well, perhaps even my childhood house, but someone keeps telling me it was never mine and never will be.

23 Wed Kika

Usnula sam kako se s malim Lukom penjem uz brdo do njegova vrha s kojeg se pružao pogled na performace koji se spremao dolje, duboko ispod nas. Penjali smo se po gudurama, teren je postajao sve opasnijim kako se spuštala noć. Legli smo na travu, na prvu liniju pogleda. U potpunom mraku Luka je pružio ruku prema maloj, bijeloj, apstraktnoj skulpturi od kamene soli koja je izrasla iz zemlje, brancusijevski izglačanih geometrijskih plohi. Ubrao ju je i pobjedonosno pokazao, kao da je nasšo dugo zakopano blago, potom čvrsto stisnuo u šaci. Upalio se reflektor, ili više njih. Svjetlo je kružilo, otkrivajući obrise bijelog balona ili satelitske parabole. Metalni ringišpil bacao je crveno, žuto i plavo svjetlo po pejzažu koji je nakratko izranjao iz mraka. U slijedećoj sceni bili smo u sobi planinarskog doma. Luka je otvorio šaku. U njoj je bila prozirna figurina od puhanog stakla, krhki anđelčić, chérubin.

24 Thu Karmela R. Puljiz

I'm in a big white house; I walk through its empty rooms devoid of anything but paintings on white walls. The paintings represent only landscapes; they’re all monochrome, in red, purple, rosy, and pink hues, representing forests, glades, meadows, mountain tops... On the upper floor, in one of the rooms, stands behind an easel and paints – a big teddy bear!?! He comes to me and starts to kiss and hug me, holding me tight. He tells me that he's been waiting for me, I have to stay; he whispers into my ear how he adores me. I find it repulsive and I try to free myself from his embrace. „Teddy, let go of me... I don't want to be your girlfriend, I don't want to kiss you!!!“, I shout, but he apparently doesn't hear me! His grip is so tight that I can hardly breathe, but somehow, with one hand, I grab the painting from the easel and crash it on his head. He relaxes his grip for a moment and I run away, I run away... run away...

25 Fri Denis

A complete darkness, empty, infinite space. Somewhere in this infinity the silver strings glittering in the dark.

26 Sat Adrian Dannatt

I dream i am back in Venice again and cross to the Zattere where i see a small building i never noticed before, an entrance, it seems to take place during the Biennale and I find myself in a final cloister, the image of a woman asleep on a gondola moving through the dawn canals of the city. It is all so real, and now seems impossible to awaken or shake it off.

27 Sun E

I am in a car and a man is talking at length about something uninteresting. I notice on a window pane the frosty image of an owl and i desperately want to photograph it but i feel i need to let him finish talking before i can get out of the car to take the picture, finally my moment comes and i try to take the picture but it has melted away

28 Mon Louise Guezennec

Today, I woke up and thought: the world is build on a binary code. Not really original as a thought, but stil calming 0-1-0-1-0-1-0-

29 Tue Liz

I was at a dinner party and went to go wash my hands when I realized I was dreaming. I was supposed to go back to the dining room to eat dinner but instead, knowing that I was dreaming, I decided to just run outside, where it was cold and snow was on the ground. Because I knew I was dreaming, I decided to melt the snow by wishing there was fire on the ground. The snow started melting and the temperature started going up and instead of feeling like winter, it like a perfect spring day.

30 Wed Joerg

Ich fahre auf einem Schiff, das in die Dunkelheit zurueckkehrt.

31 Thu Ingrid Jerusalem

I dreamt I was living in a house with many, many people. It was beautiful.